You Get What You Pay For (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: You Get What You Pay For
Author(s): Celeste
Date(s): 1986
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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You Get What You Pay For is a Blake's 7 story by Celeste.

It was published in The Other Side #2.

Reactions and Reviews

(A/ocf) - Marie Celeste: I *hate* this one. A PWP: Avon is picked up by a fairly posh, fairly nervous, young girl who mistakes him for a prostitute. He initiates her with tact, charm, manners and unfailing gentleness (all of these characteristics tend to be stated by the author rather than shown in action). Like the A/D in the first issue, it seems to be more about the idea of an experienced man gently initiating a virgin than about the characters - and the use of an original character makes it even less about personal relationships than that one! Sorry about the rant, but (as well as preferring slash to het), I read fanfic for characterisation, sex, emotions, complexity, and humour, and I can't see any of that here. Maybe someone who likes the story could give a conflicting view? [1]

Having read the description on fanlore (Avon has sex with a girl he thinks is a prostitute but who isn’t/or is it vice versa? I don't care enough), I decided to give this one a miss after the first few pages... So I can’t comment further.[2]

Avon idly on the town in 'You Get What You Pay For' is rousing. Mistaken for a whore yet! Loved that. But why does everyone seem to picture him as some kind of sexual Black Belt (and Blake as clumsy)? Not saying he isn't or at least has the capability, I'm just wondering why Avon tends to get written that way in many sexual situations. I guess It's from the same source that always pictures Vila as the 'innocent' but street-wise Delta who has no hang-ups about sex with either. [3]

...enjoyable (I can see where that situation might well appeal both to Avon's ego and his sense of humour). [4]


  1. ^ from Predatrix at both Knightwriter and Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site
  2. ^ Aralias reviewed this zine in 2013 on DW, Archived version
  3. ^ from a letter of comment in "The Other Side" #3 (1987)
  4. ^ from a letter of comment in "The Other Side" #3 (1987)