You're Fired (So Yeah You Win)

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Title: You're Fired (So Yeah You Win)
Author(s): LaFlashdrive
Date(s): Published May 24, 2015 – December 27, 2015
Length: 108,333 words; 14 chapters[1]
Genre(s): modern AU, femslash, smut
Fandom(s): The 100
External Links: AO3 link

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You're Fired (So Yeah You Win) by LaFlashdrive is a popular Clexa fanfiction hosted on Archive of Our Own. It is a modern rom-com AU and was published in 14 chapters from May 24 to December 27, 2015.[1] As of December 31, 2020, the fic has in excess of 8.4K kudos, 772 comments, 1.3K bookmarks, and 186K hits on AO3.[1]

The summary from AO3:[1]

The one where Clarke draws Lexa's name for the office Secret Santa, not knowing Lexa is the President of the company she works for. The gag gift she gets her is a bit... unconventional. A dildo. It's a dildo.

The fic is known for its many explicit sex scenes. It is a mainstay in Clexa smut fic recs[2] where it has been referred to as "THE smutty fic in its time"[3] and among the "best of the best."[4] One Tumblr blog noted however:[5]

...this one's always a dangerous rec bc you have to be okay with some semi-graphic and specific kinks but, well, it's one of my favorites ever. super cute too. (this one's also quite long but so, so, so much smut. bless.)

After filing off the serial numbers, You're Fired (So Yeah You Win) was republished as an original novel on February 15, 2017. The commercial version, titled You're Fired, changes Clarke and Lexa's names to Rose Walsh and Vivian Tracey respectively.[6] Unlike most published fics, the original has not been deleted from AO3.

Reactions and Reviews

Original Fic

okay, i just gotta point out that i absolutely DIG this story, it's one of my alltime favs on here. i love the dialogues so so so much (i had to laugh so many times), you honestly write like the best smut (yuup) and the process of how they grew used to each other was just put SO WELL. i always sensed that they like each other but there was never any tension in it and they were always cute and THEN this little confession at the end... i doubted they could get any cuter but they did. a truly awesome job you did there, i'm really looking forward to the epilogue and am kinda sad that this will be the last update that i can scream about when i see it but all good things come to an end, i know. amazing.[7]

I have literally read the equivalent of a small library of fanfics AND this is the first time I've laughed out loud (quite a few times) while reading one. This is so good - the pace, the humor and the smut. Oh my god humor and smut comes together soooo good this this fic. Seriously good job and thank you x 100000000000 for this.[8]

Okay, I'm going to be a little bit sappy for a moment.

I started reading this fic this summer, when I was at the beach with my family and they were being shitty about my sexuality and I was miserable. Curling up and binge-reading this was one of the only positive things about that week, and it never failed to make me happy. This fic also got me through my first semester of graduate school, when I would save your updates for particularly long days as a reward for making it through.

Everyone is so happy and gay and *I* am so happy and gay, and just overall so grateful for this fic and its humor and romance and goofy little moments between two people in love.[9]

I've seen Anya depicted as a mentor/older sister figure to Lexa for so long that I was a bit squicked when I read that they'd been hooking up, haha. I enjoyed the fic as a whole, though. When I read the summary I expected it to be mostly crack/humor? But it had a good balance of humor/fluff/serious stuff, so def kudos on that. Good shit![10]

Amazing story!

I'm still stunned how it went from the funny incident of Clarke buying a dildo for her boss to a sex filled week away to such a beautiful relationship and a great happy ending :3

Thanks for all the work you put in this[11]

Such a great fanfic! One of the bests I read in a long time. Loved the story, smut and the humour! I actually had to laugh out loud a few times. Especially when lexa still was the stuck up bitch in the beginning.

Thank you for this amazing fanfic, I really enjoyed reading it.

Now I'm off stalking everything you wrote![12]

Holy shit this fic was amazing! I loved every single part of this, but especially your Clarke. She was so sassy and i fucking love it, because I feel like this snarky and sassy is exactly how Clarke would be if she didn't have the weight of her world on her shoulders. I just loved it. The whole Anya/Lexa thing freaked me slightly if only because in about 90% of all modern au i've read anya is her sister, but like everything you did was so good.[13]

What a wonderful end to a wonderful story. I love how this story went from hilarious and sexual to genuine feelings and a cute relationship. I enjoyed the way you wrote the Clexa relationship and the believable development of them going from boss-employee to equals to friends to lovers to girlfriends. I also enjoyed the side Octaven and Minty scenes (yay Octaven engagement!). Amazing story! Definitely one of my favorites.[14]

OMG this was amazing, I enjoyed every chapter, there were lots of moments that reminded me in some way what had happened in season 2. It's like you've created a parallel universe where the main things that happened before just were mirrored in some way or another.

This was really great and as people said before you are amazing writing the sex escenes :)

i really enjoyed them too.

Thank you very much for sharing this *-*[15]

Way too much sex, but the story was totally dumb. I didn't like it. Sorry.[16]

How am I now just reading this fic! Omg I absolutely adored this story! The banter between lexa and Clarke was just pure gold. Octavia and clarke's friendship reminds me of my best friend and I! Hilarious. Will you be doing a sequel?

I can't wait for the novel and to have a physical copy of this! Great work cheers![17]

Thanks you for this great story and very well written. I loved the ending, so sad we don't see and if the dessines mentioned or Lexa meeting Clarke's parents ! I feel like it was too short, what you let us see after they finally got together. I hope your book sells well. Great story thanks :D[18]

I'm usually a sucker for heavy, supercharged emotions in fan fiction. But goddamn, I love your Clarke and Lexa's love. I love the way they bite back their big emotions so they come out in smaller ways. In the little gestures, in their teasing and banter.

Right in the feels. Thanks for writing and sharing 😊[19]

2nd time reading this was just as good as the first. Surprising find; after a year at college I actually knew what Clarke was talking about with arteriosclerosis. So my education helped me better understand an impending sex scene. That's gotta be the best use I've gotten out of it yet.

Thank you for writing and sharing! Twas a very fun ride (pun not intended).[20]

i read the sexiest clexa fic yesterday and that's probably the most in character lexa has ever been in an au? anyway 10/10 read it[21]

Published Novel

[3 stars]

2 1/2 Stars. I'm sorry to say, this book didn't really work for me. It wasn't horrible by any means, but I found two major problems with it. One I didn't really find it funny, though I could tell the book was trying to be. And two, I just never connected with the characters. I am such a big character person. A book can have some flaws, but if the characters are great, I can look past the other issues. That just never happened here, and I didn't enjoy the book like I hoped to.

The story is about Rose, who gives her boss a secret Santa gift of a dildo. She didn't know the gift was for her boss, since she didn't recognize the name she drew. I found this to be a little hard to believe, that she didn't know the name of the president of the company. Anyway, instead of being fired, her boss Vivian gives her a new job to check the companies financials. When Rose finds something wrong, Vivian wants to take her to New York, for a week, to meet with the owner of the company. A week together in a hotel room, might just lead to more than a working relationship.

I could tell that Crabtree was trying to write dialogue that was witty and sarcastic, in the same vain as authors like Georgette Kaplan. Unfortunately, it just didn't work. Instead of being humorous, jokes like "ass breath" just came off as immature and fell short. As I mentioned before, the characters were a real struggle for me. I had a lot of trouble finding them to be likeable.

There is not a whole lot of plot to this book. It seemed like almost half the book was sex scenes. Not that they were necessarily repetitive, but they were drawn out and took up most of the book. I enjoy some steamy sex scenes, but I didn't get that with this book either. As others have pointed out, there were things that happened that I don't think is humanly possible. And the way the scenes were written was less steamy and more just left me saying "huh".

As far as I can tell, this is a debut book for Crabtree. If she can work on character development, more realistic sex scenes, and less immature dialog, I would be tempted to give her another shot in the future.

An ARC was given to me by YLVA, for a honest review.[22]

[3 stars]

Talk about a mixed bag of reviews from my GR friends! I already wanted to check this book out because I find boss/employee relationships quite sexy. So, based on what I've read about the story, I downloaded it on Kindle with an open mind and level expectations.

I liked it. Not amazed, but I didn't mind that Rose is a bit of an asshole. Vivian is a boss lady ice queen and...sadly...I didn't get the hots for her. I enjoyed the characters together, but I wasn't enchanted by either of them.

While Shaya Crabtree made me chuckle a few times (I giggled at the thought of one bumping their head during under-the-desk sex), it's not the all-out nerdish internet person's laughfest that I'd hoped for. I suppose I'll go to Georgette Kaplan for that. This is a debut book for Crabtree, so I look forward to her style evolving. I'd read more from her.

Now, for my favorite parts! THE SEX. WOOOOOO! Tongue-reaching-g-spot aside (that's not a thing), those scenes were hot and lengthy. Rose and Vivian fooling around in anticipation in the cab made me fan myself like a Southern Belle. Please continually provide the hotness, Crabtree!

Rose and Vivian's journey into love could've used some finessing. Their non-sexual chemistry should reel me in, rush me to turn pages.

By the way, there's a scene (sex in the closet) when Vivian's skirt turns into pants paragraphs later. Hehe. Also: comments about morning breath are a turn-off always.

And holy U-Haul, Batman! I'd rather the story progress and convince me why they wanted to live together. Ah, well. I forgive it *cough*becauseI'veseenthishappen*cough*. Oh, lesbians.

That's my review. As said, I won't rule out the next Shaya Crabtree piece because I'd imagine the style and flow to mature over time![23]

[3 stars]

I quite enjoyed a number of aspects of this novel but there are also quite a few areas that I found lacking. The premise is an entertaining one. Rose, a student with temporary data entering position at Gio Corp, gives a gag gift for the secret Santa at the company Christmas party. It goes horribly wrong when she discovers that the recipient of her gift is Vivian Tracey, the company president. As much as she hates the job, she needs it to pay college fees and all expectations are that she will be fired.

Rose as a character is all hard edges and crassness. What could have been good humour just tips over the edge into being course in many instances. She's given the attribute of being phenomenally good at number analysis but it isn't really shown in what she does. She also has an odd reaction to not being in first class on a flight. I couldn't help but think that a 22-year-old student working to pay college fees is unlikely to have the expectation of being seated in first class.

Vivian is a little mysterious because the story is told from Rose's point of view. Initially she seems a little like an ice-queen, then she seems a little shallow and then she seems to be the more committed and emotionally involved of the two. I struggled to reconcile her age with her position as president and her behaviour. I didn't see her as someone to be reckoned with or taken seriously as a president which had less to do with her age and more to do with her character not being give a powerful enough presence.

The embezzlement theme had so much potential for tension and drama but it was so half-heartedly dealt with that it might as well have not been there. Some of the sex scenes were well-written and pretty steamy but the main characters spent the first half of the book sniping at each other with no hint of flirtation or attraction.

In a lot of parts the writing was really good and I wouldn't hesitate to read more by Crabtree.[24]



  1. ^ a b c d You're Fired (So Yeah You Win) on AO3.
  2. ^ Examples of smut fic recs: #1, #2, #3, #4.
  3. ^ Tumblr post by 100hearteyes. February 13, 2018.
  4. ^ "CLEXA AU'S", Tumblr post by clexabookmarks. October 3, 2018. Archived version.
  5. ^ Tumblr post by clarkelexafic. November 15, 2015. Archived version.
  6. ^ YOU'RE FIRED BY SHAYA CRABTREE on Ylva Publishing. Archived version.
  7. ^ AO3 comment by Alex. October 24, 2015. Archived version.
  8. ^ AO3 comment by Teefths. December 5, 2015. Archived version.
  9. ^ AO3 comment by findyourstars. December 27, 2015. Archived version.
  10. ^ AO3 comment by whythebananas. January 4, 2016. Archived version.
  11. ^ AO3 comment by BadassCmd. January 14, 2016. Archived version.
  12. ^ AO3 comment by Isabel. January 31, 2016. Archived version.
  13. ^ AO3 comment by OnceUponaSwanQueen. April 6, 2016. Archived version.
  14. ^ AO3 comment by EverydayGeek. April 11, 2016. Archived version.
  15. ^ AO3 comment by devs. June 15, 2016. Archived version.
  16. ^ AO3 comment by Mary. June 29, 2016. Archived version.
  17. ^ AO3 comment by saywhaa. September 29, 2016. Archived version.
  18. ^ AO3 comment by Matzy. March 6, 2018. Archived version.
  19. ^ AO3 Comment by Bardaholic. January 6, 2020. Archived version.
  20. ^ AO3 comment by KatReader. May 24, 2020. Archived version.
  21. ^ Tweet by @killinglexa. December 25, 2020. Archived version.
  22. ^ Review by Lex Kent on Goodreads. February 8, 2017. Archived version.
  23. ^ Review by Sprinkles on Goodreads. March 4, 2017. Archived version.
  24. ^ Review by Joc on Goodreads. February 23, 2019. Archived version.