Yes, Mr. Skinner, there is a Virginia

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Title: Yes, Mr. Skinner, there is a Virginia
Author(s): rac
Date(s): June 2000
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Yes, Mr. Skinner, there is a Virginia (The NetCafe)
title graphic by cdavis

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Yes, Mr. Skinner, there is a Virginia is a Mulder/Skinner story by rac.

Summary: Pure fluffiness in which things aren't always what they seem, but it turns out everyone likes it that way.

Recs and Reviews

Probably the most original Sk/M story that I have read in ages! rec: July 2000[1]


  1. ^ soo. soo's Den of Obsessions: Old Recs: X-Files, July 2000. (Accessed 08 January 2017)