Woven Deep

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Title: Woven Deep
Author(s): Maureen B. Ocks
Genre(s): F/M, Het, MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Woven Deep[1] at Gossamer
Woven Deep[2] at Tripod

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Woven Deep is an X-Files MSR story by Maureen B. Ocks.

Reactions and Reviews

Why This Must Be Read:

Because it’s a wonderful tracing of the path between Mulder getting out of the hospital (the one he obviously would’ve had to go to after Scully got him out of wherever it was CSM gave him brain surgery) and the scene in his doorway at the end of Amor Fati.

Woven Deep deals tenderly with the subjects raised in the Biogenesis arc, namely Diana and Mulder’s apocalyptic visions. There is humour, gentle flirting, sleeping together (just sleeping), and actual talk about feelings. The events of the flashback sequences in Per Manum are also woven into the story to make a coherent whole. Scully is vulnerable and Mulder is sweet and the whole thing is just lovely.[3][4]



  1. ^ "Gossamer Story: "Woven Deep" by Ocks, Maureen B." 2021-10-24. Archived from the original on 2021-10-24.
  2. ^ "Woven Deep". 2021-10-24. Archived from the original on 2021-10-24.
  3. ^ "het_reccers The X-Files, 3 recs, Scully/Mulder". 2012-11-03. Archived from the original on 2021-10-24.
  4. ^ "The X-Files, 3 recs, Scully/Mulder - Multifandom Het Recs — LiveJourn…". 2012-11-03. Archived from the original on 2021-11-04.