Wonderland Series (Man from U.N.C.L.E. fanfiction)

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Title: Wonderland Series
Author(s): Patricia J. Foley
Date(s): 1995-96
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
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Wonderland Series is a gen Man from U.N.C.L.E. trilogy by Patricia J. Foley.

The stories were published in several print zines, and are now online.

The Series

Reactions and Reviews

[Pawn to King's Two]: This is an old and well known story but although this author is well represented here this story has never been recced. I suspect that it is a bit too open ended for many people's liking but I have a particular fondness for "how it all started" stories and particularly for ones that give us a bit of insight into IIlya.

I also consider her to be a fine writer, this is an image which has stayed with me ever since I read this first.

"Look at it well," the officer in charge of them warned. "If you choose to serve in the GRU, there is only one way out for you -- from this very chimney. If you have died an honorable death in the service of our country, your body will be sent here. If you are ever found to be disloyal to our service, your will be put alive and screaming into the conveyor of the furnace and pay for your traitorous acts in its flames. Either way, this is your final fate.[1]

[Advice from a Caterpillar]: "Advice From a Caterpillar" is Part Three of her Wonderland series (Part One was "Pawns to Kings Two"... Part Two is Shadows).

Illya Nickovetch Kuryakin has been sent to New York as the Soviet Union's first representative to U.N.C.L.E. Before he even gets in Del Floria's someone tries to assassinate him. Another organization wants him to remain detached from Soviet contacts. Illya is caught between the KGB, the GRU and Solo, who frankly just does not like him. In addition, he's adjusting to a different lifestyle, one where he does not have to supplement his food allowance by foraging in Central Park.[2]


  1. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2008 comment at Crack Van