Willing Vessels

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Title: Willing Vessels
Author(s): Writestuff
Date(s): 30 August 2000
Length: 43k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
Relationship(s): Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
External Links: Willing Vessels (Master & Apprentice)

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Willing Vessels is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Writestuff.

Summary: After a hard mission, Obi-Wan administers a little love therapy; Qui-Gon learns it's safe to be needy.

Recs and Reviews

So often we see Qui-Gon caring for Obi-Wan after he suffers from some trauma or degredation and it's a wonderful twist to see the tables turned and Obi-Wan becoming the caregiver. Lee writes both boyz with such wonderful depth and strong sense of who they are and where their duties lie, than even in their private moments the Jedi beneath shines through. This story occus about midway through the Warriors Heart series. Although there are things referenced that occur in prior parts, the story can be enjoyed as a stand alone. [1]


  1. ^ obi_ki in tpm_flashback. Willing Vessels by Writestuff, 17 November 2004. (Accessed 14 April 2015)