Why I Live at the Best Western

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Title: Why I Live at the Best Western
Author(s): Mary Louise Fisher
Date(s): 1996
Length: 8715 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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Why I Live at the Best Western is a Starsky/Hutch story by Mary Louise Fisher.

It was first published in Blue Eyes and Blue Jeans #2, and is now online.


"Starsky puts up with a lot from his partner, the writer, but this time enough is enough and a battle line had to be drawn! From the uncomfortable confines of a Best Western hotel room, Starsky ruminates on what brought him to this sad state of affairs."

Golden Boy Series

Reactions and Reviews

Oh this is priceless, absolutely priceless. Worth the wait all these months to finally get to read these works of pure wit! Starsky through and through and an older Hutch just like I could see him developing into. [1]

Author's Comments

In a 2012 interview, the author talked about her fiction:

As my skill sets developed, and I've been able to handle more material - it's very hard to go from being a poet to writing prose, I've felt. So I started with very, you know, mini-plots. The domestic plot. And within the domestic I could put in, a little, you know, they are working detectives, whatever time frame I might be working in. Okay, somebody's got to go to work! That's something that's always bothered me in longer works – nobody goes to work, no-one eats, nobody goes to the bathroom. [laughter] And they're always like, endlessly gazing at each other, and it's just the romance. And what's interesting is, I never read Harlequin or standard romance. So once I started reading that later, just because I was picking up really fun covers. And most of it, you know, is hetero romance, commercial. I realize where all these hooks, and the gazing at the sleeping person, and the jeopardy – so there is, you know, there's formats, and ways to do it. And I wasn't necessarily interested in that. So anything in terms of, already created characters, that were created by TV writers and other producers, how can I make that mine? How kind of plotting can I do? So I've done like, domestics and partnership, I've used older characters, and I've tried to use what's, as a, someone who can write dialogue well, to try to get how the characters sound, and to move the story along through dialog. And almost as a dramatist, and what I found I was able to do by making one of my characters a writer. He could write poetry and annoy the partner with it. [laughter] I can plug in a poem and then get on with the story. So what I like to do is to use, you know, the faces of drama. We have our tragedy, we have our comedy, and our laughter sets us free. [2]
