When We're Both Thirty

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Title: When We're Both Thirty
Author(s): Helena_Hathaway
Date(s): Dec 12, 2014 - May 20, 2015
Length: 84,566 words, 30 chapters
Genre(s): romance
Fandom(s): My Chemical Romance
External Links: AO3, Wattpad
When We're Both Thirty.jpeg

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When We're Both Thirty is a Frerard fic by Helena Hathaway. It has over 49,000 hits and 3,000 kudos on AO3. On Wattpad, it has 124,000 reads and 7,000 votes.

Reactions and Reviews

This was such a great read! the chapter where Gerard tells Mikey how he feels, how his depression makes his life a mess is just.. it made me cry so hard. It spoke from the bottom of my heart. It made me realize that I see myself just like that and that I have to stop it and to get my shit together. This work really resonated with me. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Also the name calling was just so amazing. It really gets me going ;D


I'm absolutely dead. this was the cutest thing ever. fricking hell omg I love how they still tell each other they hate each other and then just djhcnseijhrgt i'm dead. this was the best thing ever. I needed this in my life. thank you for writing this you angel. omg. I wish this was like a book. I wish I could have an actual copy of this. this makes me so happy and has made me so happy over the past months. Thank you for existing and being genius and an amazing writer. I hope you have a great day/ month / life. you're glorious. gosh they're so cute and Mikey is so me and omg. thank you. just. thank you very much.


never in my life have I cried this hard over a happy ending fic before oh my god this was so amazing I can't even begin to explain what this fic made me feel especially with the song that I listened to when they saw the contract and kissed oh my god it was like a movie scene it was so perfect it's like someone took a blow torch to my internal organs and then gave me cookies, milk, and a warm hug after omfg I love you so much for writing this thank you so much it was the best experience ever


I loved this fanfiction so much. I can see how it'd be perfect w/out a sequel, but I definitely wouldn't object to that. Anyway, the characterization - so good. The plot and timeline and everything was so well thought-out. I just loved this so, so much. This is what amazing fanfiction writers can do, and this is what fanfiction is about - taking characters/people that we already love and leading us to love them even more. And you've done it. I'm too tired to write more about how great this was, but it was great. Thank you so, so much for this experience.


I literally don't know how to respond to this masterpiece other than like, thank you. I didn't think I was signing up for this level of emotional attachment - I feel like a need a whole series dedicated to this universe. I laughed like a small child being tickled throughout this entire thing & I also cried & I was also very irritated at times but mostly I was smiling & it was truly everything you could want out of a story honestly. Your references were on-point & I'm still shaking my head at the part where Brendon says "What a beautiful wedding." Your portrayal of Mikey is the greatest holy shit I just - wow. This was great. A++. Standing ovation for you. :)

