We've Done this Before (as Mars Sauntered Through His Door)

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Title: We've Done this Before (as Mars Sauntered Through His Door)
Author(s): shaenie
Date(s): 26 December 2012
Length: 32,875 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, BDSM
Fandom(s): The Avengers (2012), MCU
External Links: We've Done this Before (as Mars Sauntered Through His Door) (AO3)

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We've Done this Before (as Mars Sauntered Through His Door) is a Steve/Tony BDSM story by shaenie. It's the fourth part of the Don't Look too Closely (all the angles are oblique) series, a MCU canon AU that starts before the events in the Avengers movie.


“Why’re you awake?” Steve wonders out loud.

“I don’t have what anyone would call regular sleeping habits,” Tony says, lips curling a little. “There’s some stuff in the workshop I want to get done.”

“Mmm,” Steve says. “You could have gone.” He’s pretty sure he means it; he’d half expected to wake up alone this morning anyway.

“I wanted a look at your back,” Tony says.

Steve wriggles over onto his front. The lights brighten a little in the room, and Tony’s hands slip easily down his back, and then flip the covers down so that he can continue down Steve’s ass.

“I don’t know if I’m disappointed or excited,” Tony says.

Steve makes a noise of agreement. “Walking around with the marks under my clothes would have been...” he says.

“I know,” Tony agrees. “But this way, there’s almost no wait time between wanting and doing.”

Steve makes another lazy sound of agreement.

Notable kinks include the return of the knotting sex toy, very special restraints and a riding crop.

Recs and Reviews

I loved the Doctor Who life-size pinball room, omg. It was so cute and fun to read as that happened. Steve's interaction with JARVIS was perfect, as was his interaction with Clint and Fury. As was his reaction to his suite. And how Clint talks about Coulson, and how you managed to portray so much of everyone's personalities and so much description through the eyes of Steve.... I'm in love with your characters and your writing and I CAN'T djkfcnddf.

And, as per usual, the sex was absolutely the best thing ever. Steve all chained up so simply and the fact that Tony had his own toy painted like the uniform, and the imagery and description... So perfect. [...]

I absolutely hope that you bring Steve's Iron Man suit kink to fruition, so you can officially break my brain completely.[1]

This gets better and better! Awesome to see Steve actually being all clever and tactical. I can buy this guy as a great choice for a leader, superpowered or no. And also that he's a little odd in that he doesn't mind Tony's oddness of say, bugging his apartment. And being pretty certain and secure in what her wants from Tony. Tony's definitely not a guy for everyone here, but you show him being a great fit for what Steve wants. [...]

Clint having a preliminary bonding with Steve and Steve talking about being a soldier = so good. As well as Steve's thoughts about how he's going to have to be careful what he says if so many will listen.

And the sex, of course... I don't now what to say, but nnnggggg.

This is becoming one of my favorite series![2]

I like that Steve set out some stipulations here. Don't sleep around on me, keep my secret, call me if you want me. It's not a laundry list of demands but It's steve talking about what he needs. The other thing I love is how he slips so sweetly into subspace with Tony, but is still recognizably Steve Rogers no matter where he is. In all the situations, there is an honesty and forthrightness and a certain stubbornness, and it is so interesting to see the permutations of that.

I also think the first half of this chapter was my favorite narrative half of the entire series so far. I liked the intro to natasha and co, and I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVED the Dr. Who Pinball work out. I think that's one of the most creative things I've read in fandom in a while. Was the defecting dalek supposed to be some version of Dummy?

Also you present all of the ancillary characters with precision and sensitivity, even JARVIS gets his due, and I loved his conversation with Steve about the time capsule. I am super eager to see steve's reaction to that room, and how tony handles it. I am equally eager to see Steve's reaction to Tony rimming him, and how scorchingly hot THAT is going to be.

I love that they are not unidimensional in terms of being D/s, that you allow us to see how powerfully Tony is affected is so refreshing. It's nice to understand in a really intimate way what they both get out of it and what they both cherish about it.[3]

This series is amazing. I love how much you expanded on in the latest chapter - the developments with SHIELD and the Avenger's initiative, Steve's suite etc. [...] I love how clear it is that they are each getting what they want from this and feeling overwhelmed by how wonderful it is. I adore that that isn't all there is to either of them - that Tony still juggles many responsibilities and insecurities and that Steve is smart, insightful and very powerful in ways that have nothing to with his physical strength. Even the humiliation, [...], makes sense - the twisty wrong-rightness of it. I believe it here, it's accessible to me as a reader in a way it just usually isn't. Thanks for adding such a wonderful chapter.[4]

I know it has been said before in other comments, but it’s so true: I don’t know how this story keeps getting better. The conversation with SHIELD and the way Steve defended Tony…Oy Veh! My heart! Also, to get all TMI here, I’ve never read a BDSM story that has been so…HOT. [...] But I have to say that aside from the mind numbingly hot sex, one of my favorite parts of this story was Steve’s suite. I LOVE that Tony reveals himself so much through the gestures he does for those he cares about down to the minutest detail with the art supplies. I can’t wait until they realize they’re in love. It’s going to be so epic.[5]


  1. ^ tellxmebby. AO3 Comment, 26 December 2012. (Accessed 29 November 2013)
  2. ^ cellia. AO3 Comment, 26 December 2012. (Accessed 29 November 2013)
  3. ^ thundercat. AO3 Comment, 26 December 2012. (Accessed 29 November 2013)
  4. ^ wedjateye. AO3 Comment, 29 December 2012. (Accessed 29 November 2013)
  5. ^ RunRabbit. AO3 Comment, 29 December 2012. (Accessed 29 November 2013)