We're Friends When You're On Your Knees

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Title: We're Friends When You're On Your knees
Author(s): narceus
Date(s): 31 August 2013
Length: 14,746 words
Genre(s): F/F slash
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf
External Links: Fic on AO3, Fic on tumblr

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We're Friends When You're On Your Knees is a popular Teen Wolf fan fic by narceus. It's a college-aged future fic where Allison Argent/Lydia Martin negotiate a mostly-platonic BDSM relationship.


Six and a half days out of the week, Allison runs her own life, her college classes, the entire Argent family (currently rebuilding!), her position and responsibilities in the pack, and even the occasional need to eat and sleep, just fine.

She and Lydia are taking up a new hobby, the last night of the week. Something about stress relief. And ropes. It's definitely about ropes.

Allison is pretty sure that she hated being tied up during hunter training, but it turns out that it's a little different when Lydia's the one doing the tying. Who knew?

Recs and Reviews

The fic has been widely read and recced. As of 30 July 2014 it has over 330 kudos on AO3, placing it in the top 25 most-kudosed Allison/Lydia fics.[1]

So that was really hot, obviously, and I loved that it was kinky and CONSENSUAL like thank you for that!!! But it was also more than hot. Like...you GET these characters. You understand them, and you understand their relationship and how much they love each other, and you painted a perfect picture of them. A perfect, obscenely hot and kinkalicious picture. Basically this fic is everything I have EVER wanted from Teen Wolf fandom so THANK YOU. GRAAAGH. This review is a mess but I am so happy rn.

"Anybody can break somebody. Lydia gets to help guide every shattered part of Allison back into place until she’s made solid again. And Lydia never, ever calls things finished until the job is done."

PERFECTION. <333333 -Olivia's review.[2]

[This fic] is settled on Allison and her needs. Involves bondage and D/S. It’s a very intense fic. -kate-foreverfan's rec.[3]

I normally don't read Allison/Lydia, not because I don't like the pairing, but because so rarely are the voices so spot-on. I also don't normally comment--I usually leave kudos and bookmark and move on, but this deserves it. I have to admit that the tags caught my eye first and I agree that fandom doesn't have enough of Kink Negotiation fic that's done well and done right.

This was pretty damn amazing. I've already recommended it to another reader with the same tastes. It felt real and honest and that's beautiful. So absolutely well done. Thanks for giving the subject the writing it deserves. -riverchic1998's review.[4]

It’s rare to find long and well written allydia fics, not to mention good BDSM fics, but this one is incredible. I love so many things about it - how much time and attention the author spends on writing about the specifics of the girls’ agreement, the safety and trust between them, the aftercare, Allison and Lydia’s motivations for doing this even though they aren’t romantically involved. It just felt so honest, so realistic, and I really hope you’ll take the time to read it. -huntressandbanshee's rec post.[5]

Okay, wow. I don't even watch (or really know anything about) Teen Wolf (found the fic with the Aftercare tag), but... would it be corny to say that I ship it? This is extremely well-written, and there are so many things to love it for specifically that I'm not sure where to start, or how to phrase just how much I enjoyed all the little (and not so little) details. Semi-platonic bondage and Dom/sub? How carefully Lydia controls the situation, and Allison's willingness to let her? Allison's subdrop and Lydia's reaction to it (damn near put me in a subspace, well done there)? All of the dialogue and inner-monologue? The terminology (refreshing and varied, rather than the "that place" and "down there" and "center" so many fics use)? The way Allison is clearly in love, not with Lydia, but with event itself? The emphasis on healthy, consensual exploration? All amazing. This may actually be one of my favorite works on this website. I greatly look forward to reading what else you've written. -LordCade's review.[6]


  1. ^ As of 30 July 2014, the fic has 333 kudos, which places it at #23 out of all fics tagged with Alison/Lydia.
  2. ^ Comment from Olivia, accessed 30 July 2014.
  3. ^ Rec post by kate-foreverfan, accessed 30 July 2014.
  4. ^ Comment from riverchic1998, accessed 30 July 2014.
  5. ^ Rec Post by huntressandbanshee, accessed 30 July 2014.
  6. ^ Comment by LordCade, accessed 30 July 2014.