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Title: Vivere
Author(s): Rheanna
Date(s): 2001
Length: ~30,000 words
Genre(s): AU, futurefic
Fandom(s): Angel
External Links: @Palimpsest; @AO3

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Vivere is a widely recommended gen Angel novella by Rheanna, completed in May 2001. It is a dark AU, set eight years after 'Epiphany' in season 2, which explores the consequences of Angel becoming human. The author summary is What does it mean, to be alive?

In addition to Angel, 'Vivere' also features Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn, Lindsey, Kate and Faith. Rheanna makes the unusual choice of using multiple first person points of view.

Reception and Awards

'Vivere' won Best Drama in the Winter 2002 Halo Awards.[1] It was very widely recommended, with the characterisations frequently being praised.


Rec #1: "Vivere" is, without a doubt, one of the best stories out there -- in any fandom. Whether you've seen even one episode of "Angel" or "Buffy," I recommend reading this if you want to know how good writing is done. Rec #2: It's a tremendous story about the real meaning of a lot of concepts that get tossed around too lightly on these shows, at times: Forgiveness, friendship, repentance and above all redemption. This is as eloquent and moving a story as I've ever read, and I've been reading and writing in various fandoms for about a decade. I can't recommend it highly enough. [2]

This recap almost consisted only of the words 'My God. Read this now.' Vivere splits off from canon and tells us what would happen if one day Angel went to fight evil and never came back... The chief pleasure of this story is the way Rheanna shows the incremental changes in the characters eight years after Angel's sacrifice, yet makes them utterly recognizable. Her Cordy voice in particular is a treat ­ she's older and wiser but retains the razorblade wit. Can't enthuse about Vivere enough. (Your Mileage May Vary)[3]

Damn. Just...damn. And wow. I was fortunate enough to see this while it was in progress, and I've been itching for it to come out so I could point everyone I knew to it. She's got all the characters dead cold. She's got a plot that I would kill for. She's got emotion and angst and joy. It's transcendent. (Nestra at Polyamorous Recommendations)[4]

So in case anyone out there is holding out because you don't like future fics, or you're dubious about the premise, or whatever other reason, don't. Don't hold out. Just read it. Because this story, in my opinion, illustrates the best thing about fanfiction: a well-written story can make me believe just about anything. (Nestra at the Better Buffy Fiction Archive)[5]

Vivere - "to be alive." What does that mean, in any sense other than the biological? As Cordelia says in this, "God knows there are plenty of people with heartbeats who make the journey from maternity ward to funeral parlour without ever really being alive." Rheanna fastforwards eight years after the events of S2's "Epiphany" to the future Angel Investigations, where everyone involved is still learning family, belonging, identity - living. / Five chapters. Five different POVs (and one surprise sixth for the epilogue). People getting through the day, moving forward, learning to be themselves, to be part of something, to be family. Rheanna does amazing work adjusting the language of each chapter very subtly, so that each person's voice is unmistakable and true. This one will stick with you. (Casapazzo at Crack Van)[6]

This is a fic about the real meaning of a lot of concepts tossed around lightly in these shows from time to time -- forgiveness, redemption, understanding, shanshu. ... This is about friendship, love and a truly hard-earned redemption. I think it's as emotional, insightful and ingenious a fic as I've ever read, in any fandom, and I've been in various fandoms for about seven years now. Exemplary work and a must-read for anyone who cares about the character of Angel. (Halo Awards judge)[1]

This was an amazing story!! It was very original and imaginative. The emotions and feelings were so real and the writing was soo incredible. This is one of the best stories I've ever read. Rheanna is a very talented writer. (Halo Awards judge)[1]

An intelligently written story that maturely observes a unique group of people dealing with a unique set of events. This wonderfully written story takes us to the land of 'what if' leaving no room for speculation or doubt - THIS is how the characters would have reacted, and THIS is how they would feel - leaving the reader with no choice but to deal, accept and move on. Much like their beloved characters. Highly recommended. (Halo Awards judge)[1]

One of the most interesting takes on Angel's shanshu that I've read. Rheanna's stories never fail to delight, and 'Vivere' is probably my favourite. (Espresso Addict)[7]

And, in the continuing cosmic campaign to keep me interested in Angel, Rheanna gives us the much-lauded "Vivere". ... Each chapter is told through a different character's point of view, always a difficult task. Rheanna is particularly proud of this story, as well she should be. It is interesting to the end and the characterization is excellent. (Ames at The Darker Side of Sunnydale)'[8]


  1. ^ a b c d Halo Awards: Winners (accessed 20 April 2012)
  2. ^ Fave fics part 1, Archived version, December 25, 2002
  3. ^ Your Mileage May Vary: Previously On... (accessed 20 April 2012)
  4. ^ Polyamorous Recommendations: Angel (accessed 20 April 2012)
  5. ^ Better Buffy Fiction Archive: Rheanna (accessed 20 April 2012)
  6. ^ Crack Van: "Vivere" by Rheanna (R) (accessed 20 April 2012)
  7. ^ Espresso Recommendations: Angel (accessed 20 April 2012)
  8. ^ The Darker Side of Sunnydale: Rheanna (accessed 26 April 2012)