Venus Wanting

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Title: Venus Wanting
Author(s): Jane Fairfax
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: online here

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Venus Wanting is a slash Man from U.N.C.L.E. story by Jane Fairfax.

It has as sequel called Once More, With Feeling.

The story was printed in Classified Affairs #3 and is online.


From the print zine: "Kuryakin grabbed his wrist. Solo stared it it, and then raised his eyes to meet the blue ones challenging his. Agents were chary of personal space, and Illya was especially jealous of his own, rarely touching anyone. That he violated that barrier now was both a warning to Solo and a promise of his seriousness. But Solo refused to back down."

Reactions and Reviews: "Venus Wanting and "Once More, With Feeling"

Napoleon becomes fixated on Illya after they share a bed together. It starts to affect their working relationship. Illya offers a compromise: one night, no strings attached. Napoleon leaps at it...but he's really after a whole lot more.

This series has some of the most sizzling sex scenes I have ever read. I have re-read them again and again, trying to reconcile the visceral intensity of the sex and the emotional detachment of the characters. Are they so incapable of the trust required for emotional intimacy that sex is the only form of communication left?

There have been mutterings about a half-completed third part, but I believe the series is complete as it stands. Angst fans should have a field day.[1]

That's a very interesting observation about the contrast between the emotional distance of the characters (well, mostly Illya) and the unbelievable heat generated by the sex scenes. These were the first slash stories I read in the fandom and while there is a bit of a sadistic edge to Napoleon's behavior, I also reread them time and again.[2]

I sometimes find myself wondering about Napoleon too. Why did he think that sex would solve everything?? The more possessive he gets, the more Illya wants to run.

The miscommunication on both sides is very sad.

As for NS being sadistic...hmmm. That's a bit harsh. Manipulative, definitely. Actually, I'm convinced that's what makes him so sexy. If he was caring and sweet and understanding, the story wouldn't have worked, and Illya would have looked like a right idiot!!

But they are great stories. Have you read the novel "But Not For Me"??

It's supposed to reverse the roles, with IK lusting after NS...but it never really rang true to me the way "Venus" did.[3]

You know, I think maybe my recollection of the first two stories is off - it may be "But Not For Me" that made me a little uncomfortable with Napoleon's hint of sadism. Maybe it is more manipulation....may have to go back and reread them. Oh, what I do for MFU! [4]

Ahh. But Not For Me definitely has a sadistic NS. That non-con scene with was very disturbing and unpleasant. It was hard for me to feel any symapthy for Napoleon after that. I was half-hoping Illya would leave him at the end! [5]

Ouch. That pair of stories was an angst fest! I thought that Illya was as emotionally damaged as any character I've read in a long time. His twisted view of their relationship is what egged Napoleon to those lengths, IMO. Talk about misunderstanding a lover's thoughts and feeleings--I've rarely seen such a disconnect.[6]

Yeah, although I still feel that NS shouldn't have manipulated him to such a degree. I sensed an element of coercion in the way NS treated IK, so it made IK's underlying anger understandable. It's a very thought-provoking series. She doesn't write the guys as I see them...but it's a very compelling read.[7]

This story has everything: the plot, characterization and dialogue are perfectly executed. The writing is subtle, revealing the complexities of the characters in all their strengths and weaknesses and making them come alive in a universe that I can only hope is continued beyond the sequel Once More with Feeling.[8]


  1. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  5. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  6. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  7. ^ a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  8. ^ from Z.I.N.E.S. v.1 n.2