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Name/s: wingedcatgirl, alivechihiro, AlwaysInADream, uhhhhh it took me forever to find an identity so probably some others that I forget
Fandom/s: Kingdom Hearts, Puyo Puyo, FFXIV, Miraculous, Cookie Run, other stuff probably idk I have ADHD
You can find me at: cohost dreamwidth, AO3, tumblr,
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

Hello yes this is Sylvi wingedcatgirl. The internet contains at least two other people who have ever gone by the name "wingedcatgirl" but to the best of my knowledge I am the only one currently using it.

I've written fanfic on and off in my life. I have pretty bad ADHD so my output is less than I wish it was even when I'm on my game.

I'm trans and I'm leaving some names off this page because they are too intrinsically tied to my pre-transition fakeself and I don't like seeing them listed as "me".

I don't know what else to put on this page.