U.U.S.A.S.W.F.C. Zine

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Title: U.U.S.A.S.W.F.C. Zine
Publisher: U.U.S.A.S.W.F.C. stands for Unofficial Unsanctioned Sacramento Area Star Wars Fan Club
Date(s): 1988?
Medium: print
Genre: gen, mild het
Fandom: Star Wars
Language: English
External Links:
the editors
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

U.U.S.A.S.W.F.C. Zine is a 148-page Star Wars zine published by Alice Capen.

front cover



Inspirations: G.L., est, sparkling cider, a-ha, tight pants, Alderaani accents, red, X-wings, ocean waves, Disneyland, every zine that we've ever read. Cons, early morning giggles, smugglers, spiders webs, music, villain voice school, G.M., hot tubs, sleepless nights, Jedi (k)nights, com-link connections, food. Hearts of Space, spontaneous alter-egos, chocolate and dreams.

Submission Guidelines

We DO ~NOT~ accept explicit sex stories, however, insinuative stories are a-okay with us! All contributions must have some connection, however vague, to the Star Wars Trilogy, Any contribution will immediately qualify you as a member of the U.U.S.A.S.W.F.G., no matter where you live, as this is our only dues. However,

... we are a NON-PROFIT organization! Okay, now I'm done.


We're not trying to step on anybody's toes here, (oops - sorry. Were those your toes?), or infringe on any copyrights. We even apologize if we are. Oh, yeah, one more comment here - our editors have forced us to write this at blaster point!

"In My Opinion"

This is the place in our 'zine where you, the reader, get your chance to sound off about whatever bugs you. It doesn't matter whether it's connected to a Con, another 'zine or what, as long as it has some sort of connection with our small universe of Sci-fi/Fantasy. There is no limit as to length or severity.

First letter excerpt: "I hate those damnable fashion statements where every character in any given fanzine story is fashionably skull-faced skinny, who has never in her or his life eaten anything solid."

Second letter excerpt: "Most fans that frequent sci-fi Cons forget about the small percentage of us that are handicapped. Being a person who has attended numerous Cons with the assistance of a wheelchair and/or a cane I've found, thorough personal experience, that 'normal, healthy' fans often don't consider how hard it might be for those of us that can only get about with some sort of assistance."

Third letter excerpt: "Conventions should not advertise months in advance ( so that out of town Con-goers must secure a thrifty-priced ticket ahead of time and put..the extra toward the money to travel to the Con location) a particular event, be it slide show or whatever, that is expected by Con-goers unless the event is actually going to take place."


  • Letters from the Editors (very lengthy descriptions of how they all met each other) (1)
  • Table of Contents (8)
  • Jedi (K)Nights by Geri Lightstar (Luke, Kiri Solo, and the Zelton women) (9)
  • Sorrow's End, fiction by Season (a fan finds herself in the Star Wars universe) (26)
  • A Corny Meeting by Season (RPF, a fan's imagined meeting with an extremely solicitous Mark Hamill on the set at Elstree Studios where they fall asleep together in the in prop room: "She thought, giddy with happiness. 'What could be better than being alone in the dark with Hark Hamill?? And still dressed as her hero Luke Skywalker!'") (31)
  • In My Opinion (23)
  • Wha'd'ya Mean We're Off Key?, filks by Geri (Lightstar) Kittrell (26)
    • two filks to tunes from "Annie"
    • Wanted On the Dark Side, to the tune of "Wanted Dead or Alive" by Jon Bon Jovi
    • It's a Filk Song After All, to the tune of "It's a Small World After All"
    • Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof
    • Little Jawas, to the tune of "Little Boxes" by Malvina Reynolds
    • Return of the Jedi, to the tune of "Turn Around"
  • The Multi-Coloured Cloak by Rainey and Stargazer (Immortal female and Luke) (40)
  • Pop Art (49)
  • Another Corny Meeting (58)
  • Purple Squad (74)
  • The One (a serial story series by Season and Rainey) (79)
    • Excerpts from the Journals of Luke Skywalker and Miriah the Zel-Can
    • Han's Natal Party by Season and Rainey (Luke meets special Zeltron woman)
    • The Zeltron Bedroom Farce by Season (Luke and the Zeltron women)
  • Crazy for You, poem by Miriah (113)
  • Hey, It's Us! (original character/persona bios) (114)
  • Glossary (183)
  • Hoth Seven, fiction by Fran Carbain (Luke and Wedge) (137)
  • Advertisements (139)
  • Cast of Characters, member addresses

Sample Interior