Two Boys

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Title: Two Boys
Author(s): poicale
Date(s): 23 June 2005
Length: 575 words
Genre(s): PWP
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"Two Boys" is a ficlet by poicale based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set sometime before Chapter Two, at the time when Ralph Lanyon is actively involved in his illicit sexual relationship with Hazell. Although there is an introductory section, the story is essentially a PWP.


Lanyon runs briefly—and literally—into Odell, and keeps the conversation strictly to the school play. Having seen them together, Hazell quickly stakes out his territory in the lighting room.


In The Charioteer, Hazell's personal name is not revealed. However, the author has the two call each other by their first names when in private, and credits Shezan for Hazell's full name, "John Justin Mark Hazell" ("Mark" to family and friends).


"Two Boys" was well received, and got numerous comments. These include;

  • "Oh, lovely in a "makes me feel dirty" kind of way!"—comment by lorie945
  • "The exquisite secret fantasy and the also secret, but more sordid reality collide..."—comment by cyberducks
  • "I liked this and would love to see more! It's a pity we know so little about Ralph at school, and practically nothing about Hazell - but at least we have fics.... "—comment by queen_ypolita