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Title: Turncoat
Author(s): Valaks
Date(s): 05 August 2020
Length: 1,542 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Alex Rider
External Links: Turncoat (AO3)

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Turncoat is an Alex Rider story by Valaks.

Summary: Yassen had made it 15 years without being captured by a government organization. Competitors? Yes. Supposed Allies? Absolutely, his business invited betrayal. But he had never had an intelligence agency get the drop on him. Of course the first time would be because of Alex Rider. (Pre Gentleman's Agreement Drabble)

Recs and Reviews

At one point in Gentleman's Agreement, Yassen mentions that Alex saved him from MI6. How did that come about? Now we know! No rating, complete. Takes place post-Scorpia Rising, pre-Gentleman's Agreement.[1]

