Trek Continuum

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You may be looking for the Star Trek: TOS novel Continuum.

Title: Trek Continuum
Publisher: T'Elfie/T'Ciao Press
Editor(s): Cathi Brown
Date(s): 1980-1981
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Trek Continuum is a gen Star Trek: TOS anthology that started with a very large, oversize issue, and then went on to have three 8 1/5" by 11" issues, the middle two published at the same time.

From Datazine #2: "This genzine contains many aspects of the Trek universe, but no K/S."

From the editorial in issue #3 asking for submissions for the next issue (that didn't happen): "Ling, Short. Novella. Novels. All types, except for K/S in bed together. Nae, I draw the line there."

Issue 1

Trek Continuum 1 was published in May 1980 and contains 90 pages. It is a very tall and wide zine, an odd size. It was printed reduced offset.

TOC page
flyer printed in Naked Times #3

It has art by Cathi Brown, Kathy Carlson, Mike Cole, Merle Decker, Nadya Emanuel, GAR (Gloria-Ann Rovelstad), Barbara P. Gordon, Bruce Harris, Carol Hedge, Vel Jaeger, Cindy Johnson, Mary Stacy-MacDonald, MARS, Alan Mason, Virginia Lee Smith, Teri Thorowgood, Cheri Tripp, Mike Wakeman, and Duann Witson.

  • Interruption, poem by Millie Fabricuis (inside front cover)
  • A Small Detour... With Vulcans, story by Nadya Emanuel (1)
  • Distant Current Past, poem by Cathi Brown (10)
  • Gateway, story by Michael Wakeman (11)
  • Eye of the Beholder, story by Ginna LaCroix (13) (also in Trek Encore #3)
  • Witch's Cauldron, story by Cathi Brown (20)
  • Return Match, poem by Bev Volker (29)
  • The Guardian of Forever, poem by Carol Hansen (29)
  • Now and Then, collage by Cathi Brown (30)
  • Of Darkness and Light, novella by Simone Mason (31)
  • The Others, poem by Carol Hansen (49)
  • PS, poem by Carol Hansen (49)
  • One Voice, poem by Cathi Brown (50)
  • Space and Fantasy Portfolio (51)
  • Victims, poem by Liz Persic (64)
  • To Keep Thy Brother's Child, story by Mary Ann Drach (65)
  • It is You, poem by Liz Persic (69)
  • City on My Mind, poem by Pete Kaup (also in Nourishment) (70)
  • The San Francisco Incident, story by Nadya Emanuel (70)
  • Everything As It Should Be, prose by Liz Persic (78)
  • Amoke Time, an Alternative, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (78)
  • Barren, poem by Pete Kaup (79)
  • An Unequal Match, story by Carol Christensen (80)
  • Kor's Curio Shoppee (87)
  • To Dree One's Weird (editorial) (87)
  • From Zarabeth, poem by Pete Kaup (88)
  • Jeopardy, poem by Mary Stacy-MacDonald (inside back cover)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

It is a shame that Cathi Brown had to charge $10.00 ($12.90 with first class postage) for Trek Continuum. That is a bit much to ask anyone to pay for a first effort. Fortunately, I got a complimentary copy by virtue of my Joanna-meets-Sarek story therein. "An Unequal Match" has not only given me hours of pleasurable fantasy, but netted me a $10.00 zine as well. Hope others appreciate that story as much as I do. My own personal favorite is Simone Mason's alternate- universe story entitled "Of Darkness and Light" [also published later as a standalone novel]. Are you ready for Klingons and Vulcans as allies? i also liked "Eye of the Beholder" by Ginna LaCroix and "To Keep Thy Brother's Child" by Mary Ann Drach. I believe "Witch's Cauldron" by Cathi Brown could have benefited from some objective editing. A bionic heroine who fights, sings, fixes communicators, babysits, and generally is all things to all people is hard to swallow. Or was it a satire which caught me with my put-on detector down? The only one of the thirteen poems which sticks in my memory is a chilling little piece by Liz Persic entitled "Victims". In it, she writes of Sulu's thoughts during the episode "The Deadly Years." How awful to imagine those dark, vindictive thoughts are churning behind Sulu's grin! The fantasy art portfolio in the center of the zine was perhaps its most unusual feature. It caused the zine to be stretched into a large, flat format which also undoubtedly helped boost the price. vou may find it worth it. There is a wide range of styles and topics from both science fiction and fantasy. Three examples are: a nude riding a dragon; three Vikings who happen to look like Kirk, Spock, and McCoy; and a spacescape with a tiny Enterprise. [1]

Issue 2

This issue was printed in two parts, likely because of size concerns and the stapler!

Issue 2 (pt.1)

actual front cover from issue #2, pt.1, B.P. Gordon. From the zine's editorial: "Now, I want to explain about the cover. I shall admit that the title page looks more like a cover than the cover does. (So did Barbara), but it was a special illustration I had her work up. It's for a story contest… And what better place to put a story contest illo than on the front cover, where all will see...?"
interior, title page (sometimes confused with the front cover), of issue #2, pt.1, B.P. Gordon
back cover of issue #2 v. 1, Vel Jaeger

Trek Continuum 2 (pt 1) was published in December 1980 and contains 103 pages. It is mimeo with offset art.

It contains art by Cathi Brown, Kathy Carlson, Beverly Clark, Ann M. Crouch, Nadya Emanuel, Barbara P. Gordon, Carol Hansen, Shona Jackson, Vel Jaeger, Patricia Long, and Rayelle Roe.

John Lennon was killed on December 9, 1980, and this zine was printed that same month. From the editorial, titled "To Dree One's Weird":

This is put out in honor of William Shatner and John Lennon. The reason for Mr. Shatner is self-explanatory; Lennon may not be. John was a man of peace, and to be shot down in an act of insane violence was a bitter reality. I shall miss him...

We seek... we learn...

Perchance to understand...

In Peace...

Also from the editorial:

Well, gentle people, here I am again. And late again, It's been a while since last ya heard from me, (What do you mean? Not long enough? Tsk...tsk... ) I could tell ya all about what I've been up ta since last ya heard — but I can hear the moans already. So I won't,

I think-- and hope— that you will find this issue much improved over the lasts I prooffed [sic] the pages like a mad Klingon, but still, no doubt, I have missed a few of thee old typoes [sic] — among other things.

Issue one brought comments good and bad. This one will do the same. There's much to that sayin': You can please some of the people all the time, but all of the people none of the time — IDIC. But the only way I can find out what you like and/or dislike is of you let me know. (I'll come out of the bomb shelter sooner or later. Either that, or Scotty and I— and a bottle of scotch — are goin' ta hae a lot of fun under the couch!)

Seriously. I want to thank all of you that made this zine a possibility! From contributors to the readers. Neither could the TC do without. (It could do without the horrendous cost! But that's cryin' for the moon, I fear.) So, I thank you. I’d thank ya each individually here, but it would turn this two volume zine into three volumes.

Now, I want ta explain about the cover. I shall admit that the title page locks more like a cover than the cover does, (So did Barbara.), but it was a special illustration I had her work up. It’s for a story contest. So anyone who is interested out there, put pen to paper or fingers to the typer keys, and get ta work! The best story submission will be printed in an upcoming issue of the TC and the winner will receive a free copy of the issue it appears in. And what better place to put a "story contest illo" than on the front cover, where all will see...?

Also if some of the pages are blank — galaxy forbid— or, in some cases, the start right at the top of the page, I apologize. I was learnin' the mimeo-machine. If ya get one that's blank — a replacement should follow — if not let me know and I'll send ya one. SASE, okay? Also, if any of ya receive a copy of the zine in an envelop [sic] that has wee holes in it -- it was the cat! I guess he just wants ta say hi.,,. But no matterwhere [sic] I place them ta remember to mail them out — he get's ta 'em,. He’s a betermined [sic] bein', (I refer to as a being, because HE does not think of himself as a C-A-T...!

TC3 will done completely in mimeo, except for the artwork which deserves to be done via camera- ready--offset printing. Contributions are always welcomed

  • untitled poem by Gene S. Delapenia (1)
  • Runes by Carol Hansen (2)
  • Feline Encounter by Simone Mason (3)
  • A Mother's Logic by Shona Jackson (16)
  • A Father's Logic by Shona Jackson (17)
  • A Son's Logic by Shona Jackson (17)
  • Secret of the Mountain by Nadya Emanuel (18)
  • A Scotsman's Advice by Frances M. Wilson (54)
  • On the Far Side of the Mountain by Judy Darnell (55)
  • The Enterprise Incident by Millie Fabricuius (56)
  • Planet Fall by Cathi Brown (58)
  • Triad Eternal by Judy Darnell (71)
  • Gordian Knot by Marjorie Robbins (72)
  • Forces by Carol Hansen (72)
  • Sail by Cathi Brown (85)
  • Earth by Carol Hansen (87)
  • Is There in Truth... No Logic by Nadya Emanuel (87)
  • What Will I Do? by Frances M. Wilson (96)
  • Silent Thoughts Over a Bottle of Brandy by Judy Darnell (97)
  • The Small Matter of the Captain's Back by Rayelle Roe (98)
  • At the Core of All Things by Crystal Ann Taylor (103)

Issue 2 (pt.2)

front cover of issue #2 v.2, Mike Cole
back cover of issue #2 v.2, Mike Cole
TOC for issue v.2 part.1

Trek Continuum 2 pt.2 was published in December 1980 and contains about 128 pages. It is mimeo with offset art.

The front cover is a variation of the art used for Naked Times #5. Note: the pagination starts at 104, right after the contents of issue #1 v.1.

Art by Cathi Brown, Kathy Carlson, Ann Crouch, Mike Cole (front and back covers), Nadya Emanuel, Millie Fabrircus, Vel Jaeger, Keren Kruse, Alan Mason, Rayelle Roe, B.P. Gordon, and Cheri Tripp.

Reactions and Reviews: 2

It isn't too uncommon for a first zine to have a number of rough spots and errors in editorial judgement; experience and education usually makes the second zine a vast improvement. That did not happen here. Imagine, if you will, a color-blind man asked to sort a mixture of red and green bulbs into separate boxes. Having no perceptual understanding of the different colors, he would be reduced to relaying on random chance to help him complete his task. The editor of TC2 has apparently used the same criteria to fill the pages of her zine, so this is an offering a mixture of extremely poor to fairly good items. Unfortunately, it isn't a 50/50 mix, but leans heavily towards the former. The names of several talented fan artists in the contributor's list will probably attract the average potential buyer. Sadly, some of the best pieces were printed unreduced, clipping off the tops. A great deal of poor filler art by the editor should not have been included. Tigriffin would like to hear justification for printing things like a black blob splotched with smaller white blobs, which could not even be identified where it not for clues in the story. Other costly, unsightly production errors included the two volume format (doubled cover stock cost and double numbers of binders, one pair of which would have easily held the 200+ pages); lack of adequate margins which obliterates whole words near the center; sometimes illegible mimeograph work; a general tendency to waste space and material which automatically raises the mailing cost. There are blank pages, pages clearly marked 'delete,' and zine ads confusingly placed within the borders of a story. The staggering number of errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and proofing alone indicate at the very least a careless attitude towards editing. The written offerings include two interminably long stories which smother the good lines therein, a cutesy animals-who-are-surprise!-intelligent tale, one of the most blatant Mary Sues to appear in recent memory, a hurt/comfort story awash with soapy melodrama, a cartoon feature with mediocre art, and a ho-hum story-line, two totally pointless short pieces, a logically impossible action/adventure story, two precocious-kids-on-the-Enterprise stories, and a humorous shot that comes within an inch of working, but fails. It, and the two long tales mentioned, could have bee quite good with objective, knowledgeable editorial advice. There was also quite a bit of wretched poetry, with the exceptions being the ones by Hansen, Jackson and Galli. Unfortunately, these poems and several fine illos do not even come close to justifying the zine's price. [2]

[a review that covers this issue and the preceding one]: A two-volume zine this time, TREK CONTINUUM 2 is a plethora of story, poetry, art (including that of our own Vel Jaeger), calligraphy and a full-length cartoon. The zine is dedicated to the late John Lennon, with a Jaeger illo featured prominently at the beginning. The covers are beautiful, in my opinion, promising good things between. Following the editorial, two thoughtful poems introduce Volume 1, moving into a story by Simone Mason (reprinted from CAPTAIN'S LOG, an English zine edited by Sylvia Billings) entitled "Feline Encounter". It is a cat story, charmingly illustrated and well written, and one which will be appreciated by cat lovers. The Enterprise crew becomes enamored with the "beasties" and almost overwhelmed with them!) until a logical solution is conceived. "Secret of the Mountain", a story enveloping time travel, life after death, and Spock's encounter with an unusual Vulcan from the past stacks up as an absorbing trip into a strange world with Kirk and McCoy at his heels. It introduces a new possibility in Vulcan's past which some readers may find very interesting. Cathi Brown's "Untitled Dilemma entails the misadventures of Samantha MacShannon aboard the Enterprise — an amusing Mary Sue story that unfortunately leaves us dangling helplessly with "to be continued...". How many more levels will she manage to blow up in the next chapter? "Gordian Knot", a hurt-comfort adventure is filled with Kirk's grief at Spock's imaginative demise. The reasons for his death are not unique, but interesting, nevertheless, and his captain's search for and recovery of him follows predictable lines. (I sometimes feel that all that green blood must be less alarming to humans since we are so conditioned to red!) Rayelle Roe's humor shows in her slightly wicked "The Small Matter of the Captain's Back", a subject dear to my own back ... er...heart... and Kathy Carlson's illo tops it off suitably!
The quality of Volume 2 does not measure up to Volume 1, but I regarded it merely as a bonus. There are more typos in this half and some of the print is difficult to read, but story content is good and most of the poetry is excellent. The poetry in both volumes is, in my opinion, above average, and is thoughtfully embellished with calligraphy and illos that are attractive and pertinent. I will not go into the entire content of the stories In Volume 2, except to mention a few at random. Marilyn Johnsen's "The Gift" is a short story of friendship, the kind that only happens rarely, and then only between true friends, "Fireflies of Azande", by Simone Mason, features Amanda and Sarek kidnapped by Tellerites following the conference on Babel. Of course, the Enterprise takes off in hot pursuit — only to find the maverick vessel crash-landed on an unknown world. The epic meanders a bit, but provides a change of pace for our daring rescuers. The outcome is reminiscent of Jean Lorrah's universe, complete with happy ending, and permits an hour or so of fascinating reading. (It was reprinted from ORBIT 303.) I would select "For I Have Touched Your Spirit", by Nadya Emanuel, to be my first choice among the many stories: Spock goes back through the Guardian and falls in love. A painful revelation concludes this poignant story with the impact of a photon torpedo! A must for Spock fans! Zine ads flit about here and there throughout Volume I, and TREKisM and KIRK are among them. The cartoon is a bit of fluff which most readers may get a chuckle or two from, even though the artwork is not of the best quality. While the stories in both volumes were not earth shaking or completely unique, there was enough variety of subject to make this zine appealing to almost any reader. There were errors (even a mispelling in one of the titles), but most zines do have errors no matter how carefully they are proofed. Since this was Cathi's second effort at putting out a fanzine, it is clear to me that she earnestly tried to please her readers. The length and content is quite different from TREK CONTINUUM 1, which leads this reviewer to believe the improvements fortell bigger and better issues to come. [3]

Issue 3

Trek Continuum 3 (called "part one") was published in August 1981 and contains 207 pages. It has 23 stories and over 50 illos.

front cover of issue #3, Hawk, artist is Cathi Brown
back cover of issue #3, Space Shuttle Columbia, Bonnie Reitz
TOC page for issue #3

From the editorial: "No doubt most of you are wonderin' about th' PART ONE bit.... As I said on the flyer -- least I hope I said on the flyer -- for this... uummm... thing, I gathered this 'Bribdingnagian' (vast) amount of material for #3. And instead of confusing the issue schedule, I decided ta put 3 out in parts. Thusly, cutting the post office's share of the profits. (They get rich -- we go broke!)... Also, ya may hae noticed th' covers are'na exactly 'trek.' Well... I was over-whelmed by Columbia's successful mission. And I like Hawk!"

The Fourth Issue that Became a Somewhat Different Zine

This zine was proposed in Universal Translator #10. It was to be a full-length novel called "Of Crystal Persuasion" by Sharron Crowson. In it, McCoy picks up a small stone on an Eden of a planet and things are never quite the same again. Art was to be by Crouch, Jackson, and "new-comer" Don Lewis. In 1983, this zine became Of Crystal Persuasion.


  1. ^ from Spin Dizzie #5
  2. ^ from Datazine #13
  3. ^ from TREKisM #21