Trapped in Ice

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Title: Trapped in Ice
Author(s): Jean Chabot
Date(s): 1982
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Trapped in Ice is a slash Starsky/Hutch story by Jean Chabot.

It was printed in Trace Elements.


After Gillian's death, Hutch goes downhill.

Reactions and Reviews

Not so hot are ‘Let There Be No Strife’ and ‘Trapped in Ice.’ [The latter] is an grossing screamer, but too melodramatic to be credible. Upset by Gillian’s recent death, Hutch intends to blow his brains out, but Starsky turns up just in the quarter-second before he does, and moves in to monitor his buddy, except Hutch starts having these gory nightmares, which keep both of them awake, till they realize they’re in love, and then do something about it, the end. However, Hutch is drawn so awfully crazed that we are left with no hope for his long term survival. [1]

‘Trapped in Ice’ is another of those stories that displays promise, but falls far short of the quality one would expect. A little restraint in the style, some work on characterization, and attention to pacing would have wonders with this raw material. As it stands, the story is unsatisfying both because one has the sense that something important is missing, and because one feels that [the author] is capable of more than she delivers. [2]

‘Trapped in Ice’ was another view of a whiny, insecure Hutch who bored me so much with his weeping and moaning that I wondered how Starsky put up with him, let alone loved him. [3]


  1. ^ from S and H #37
  2. ^ from S and H #37
  3. ^ from S and H #37