Transitions (Man from UNCLE story)

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Title: Transitions
Author(s): Nataliya
Date(s): ?
Genre(s): Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin (mild)
Fandom(s): Man from UNCLE
External Links: online here

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Transitions is a Man from UNCLE story by Nataliya.

Reactions and Reviews

This post-series story does a superb job with the familiar theme of Napoleon’s promotion out of the field and behind a desk. All of the formal traditions and informal gestures marking this change feel like they could have happened in canon. With gentle humour and understated grace, Nataliya explores how even the most positive changes bring regrets, especially when it means two close people no longer move in the same world. Transitions always leaves me smiling, for while Napoleon learns that he can’t turn back the clock, he also becomes aware of what really matters to him.[1]

First MFU story I've read in a long while. It was a bit shades of Partners, but with less intensity. I can't say I see Napoleon and Illya going /, but that was the only note that didn't ring quite true (for me only, I'm sure for others it was just what they wanted) in a very nice story. I sympathized greatly with Mark and April. NS and IK I mostly wanted to knock their heads together, or at least NS, to mobilize his vaunted abilities and get the obvious done. As for IK, that Russian stoicism holds him in good stead even when his heart is breaking.[2]

I agree, this was like a shorter, less intense, slashy version of Partners. Hmmm, makes me want to read Partners again, it's such a brilliant post-series story. Also, I agree that Mark and April do get a very nice treatment here. Much better than they ever got in the Girl from U.N.C.L.E. show where April was a klutz and Mark was there to get beaten up (although that did have its charms).[3]

Hello! Thank you for reccing my story, Elizabeth, and thanks for the comments, all. When I wrote Transitions, some of the feedback I got said that the slash scene was a little too sudden and I agree with that in retrospect. Otherwise, I was happy with the discomfort I put all the characters through. :) I'm embarrassed to say I'm not familiar with "Partners" or who wrote it. Where do I find it? [4]

When I wrote Transitions, some of the feedback I got said that the slash scene was a little too sudden and I agree with that in retrospect.

It was such a gentle slashiness that the suddenness didn't bother me. Now, if they'd started doing the nasty right there in the hospital bed, I might have felt differently. For me, the ending just underscored the idea that love is love, and doesn't always need a big, angsty build-up just because they're two guys.

Otherwise, I was happy with the discomfort I put all the characters through. :)

Both Mark and April were put to wonderful use too. Rare in fanfic and the TV shows.

I'm embarrassed to say I'm not familiar with "Partners" or who wrote it. Where do I find it?

Partners is by Patricia Foley [and is] a long, meaty story about what happens to their partnership and friendship post-series, and is definitely one of my favourites.

Some people find Pat Foley's characterization of the Soviet Union off-putting, but since the CIA can be just as much an enemy as the KGB or the GRU in her stories, it doesn't bother me. I figure no organization dedicated to a single nation's security is going to have a heck of a lot of love for an international organization like the U.N.C.L.E. Regardless, I feel that Partners is the one story of hers everyone should try.[5]


  1. ^ a 2008 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2008 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ a 2008 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ a 2008 comment by the author at Crack Van
  5. ^ a 2008 comment at Crack Van