To Scale The Blue Sky

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Title: To Scale The Blue Sky
Author(s): iluzjonista
Date(s): November 29, 2015 – July 7, 2016
Length: 172k
Genre(s): slash, high school AU
Fandom(s): Hamilton
External Links: archive of first chapter, Google drive link to seven nonconsecutive chapters plus chapter one of the sequel Fanfiction fully recovered, at Docdroid

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To Scale The Blue Sky is a Hamilton slash fic written by AO3 user iluzjonista and completed in July of 2016. It is a high school AU set in the 1980s, and the HIV/AIDS crisis plays an important role in the plot. The story became popular within the Hamilton fandom, but was later deleted by its author after the revelation that she had fabricated her online persona, possibly to justify writing the fic.


This summary is found on archives of the fic post-completion.

The year is 1988 and the city of Charleston teeters perilously on the cusp of something, not by accident; later someone will remark: “they were all just too ahead of the times.” People say the era’s not ready (it’s not), but Alex Hamilton wants to watch their expectations go up in flames - fireworks over the status quo skyline.

This alternate summary can be found on an RSS feed blog from when the first chapter was posted.

It is September, 1988. Charleston, South Carolina. Welcome to the Model United Nations AU no one asked for, at a magnet school in the midst of the AIDS Crisis.

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In 2017, the fic was removed by its author as the validity of her online persona was being interrogated by Digoxin-purpurpea. Seven chapters and part of a sequel have been recovered, though most of the fic is currently lost.