To Bear Witness

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Title: To Bear Witness
Author(s): Keri T.
Date(s): 2003
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: To Bear Witness

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To Bear Witness is a Starsky/Hutch story by Keri T..

art by Helyn Highwater

It was published in Starsky and Hutch Virtual Season #6 and is online.


While escorting a prisoner to trial by train, Starsky and Hutch are both met by more than one deadly surprise.

Reactions and Reviews

This is part of the Virtual Season and there are a few aspects that won't make much sense if you haven't been reading stories written earlier in the season (Mostly who the heck Lizzie and Arturo are—suffice it to say they're fellow cops. Arturo partnered with Hutch while Starsky was still recovering from his shooting. Lizzie is Arturo's current partner.). But for the most part, readers can jump right in to a relatively familiar universe. Here, Starsky and Hutch are lovers. They live together, and their relationship is known to their friends. They are transporting a prisoner scheduled to testify at the trial of a major crime lord via rail from Bay City to Seattle. The train gets thrown from the tracks before they can reach their destination, however. Hutch is gravely injured and it becomes up to Starsky to protect his partner and their prisoner. Wonderful, emotionally charged h/c here with Starsky desperate to rescue his partner, and Hutch just as desperately hoping Starsk can keep himself safe. Very satisfying with a hot yet gentle NC-17 coda. [1]
