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Title: Tightrope
Author(s): Leyla Harrison
Date(s): 1998 or before
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Tightrope is an X-Files story by Leyla Harrison.

Reactions and Reviews

Leyla Harrison wrote an angst fest called "Tightrope" that I've been waiting months to recommend, but warning, this is NOT for the faint of heart. It's full of trust issues, some very disturbing violence, and has an ending that I wish we could see on the show.[1]

Lisa: Leyla Harrison's Tightrope is such a great read - I urge you guys to take a look. It's different from lots of her stuff (no smut, Mel and Jen! heehee) - but it's got some great, great UST and the trust issue is great. Poor Mulder's accused of doing something really really bad - and Scully knows he didn't do it - but all the evidence is there, so she has the proof that he did...I couldn't stop reading it. It's one of those stories I WISH could be an episode - I could see and hear it so vividly...

Shari: I LOVED this story!! I think this is one of Leyla's best, actually.[2]
