tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie

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Title: tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie
Author(s): magneticwave
Date(s): 29 May 2012 (fic);
Length: 7764 words
Genre(s): M/M, crack, humor AU
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf
External Links: AO3, Archive.org backup

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tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie is a Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Beauty and the Beast (Disney) AU fanfic in the Teen Wolf fandom.


Stiles has been a teapot for 3,308 days. // Scott skids into the door breathlessly and shouts, “THERE’S A GIRL IN THE CASTLE,” and promptly brains himself on one of the casserole dishes.

Summary from the author's notes on AO3:

Disney’s Beauty & the Beast AU, wherein Stiles is Mrs. Potts and the wheelbarrow that used to be the surly head gardener is secretly wooing him with magic roses. This is so far beyond crack that it’s basically meth.

Fandom Response

As of October 2022, the work has over 100k hits and 2300 bookmarks on AO3 (making it a popular Teen Wolf fic but not especially popular -- it's in the top one thousand TW fics by hit count). Many readers praised the creativity of blending these two very unrelated stories, as well as the thorough execution of the AU and the humorous writing. It's widely regarded as well-executed crack.

Reactions and Reviews

this is a delightful short story based upon Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Jackson is the monstrous Kanima, Lydia is the highly-intelligent damsel who looks past his reptilian scales, Scott is a candlestick, Stiles is a teapot in charge of housekeeping….and Derek is the former gardener-turned into a wheelbarrow who is wooing him with magical roses. Simply precious!

magneticwave [1]

Disney Beauty and the Beast AU where Stiles is a teapot and Derek is a wheel barrow. It’s wonderful.

adventures-in-mangaland/Xanoka [2]


emilianadarling [3]

I love crack AUs in general, but there's something so special when an author takes a really ridiculous premise and just fully-heartedly commits to it. This is one of the best examples I've ever seen of this type (snipers is another that comes to mind). And it's just so delightful!! The humor, the deft and meaty characterization, the drama of the relationship arc... this is a story I'll be coming back to enjoy over and over again.

One other thing that struck me as particuarly interesting, is that this AU copies the romance arc of its inspiration (Lydia/Jackson as Beauty and the Beast) but very much puts it in the background in favor of an entirely original romance plot (Sterek as two enchanted servants at the castle). It's pretty common to write copy-paste plot AUs based on similar characters (and, yeah, I definitely why it would occur to this author to cast Lydia as Belle), but to use that plot to tell an entirely new story, that's different! I feel like you could do a reverse-transformation, where you go back and replace original Disney characters, and it would be a fascinating BatB reinterpreation in its own right.

quaelegit [4]

Recursive Fanworks


Recursive Fanfic



  1. ^ May 16, 2020 Tumblr post, Archived version by magneticwave. Archived 10 November 2022.
  2. ^ Fanfiction Writer Appreciation Day: Sterek, Archived version. Posted 24 September 2017. Archived 19 May 2019.
  3. ^ Emiliana’s Giant Teen Wolf/Sterek Fic Rec List!, Archived version Posted 13 October 2012. Archived 21 December 2015.
  4. ^ self-quote