Three Cheers for Tyranny

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Title: Three Cheers for Tyranny
Author(s): silentdescant
Date(s): June 20, 2009
Length: 57,471 words
Genre(s): Mafia AU
Fandom(s): My Chemical Romance
External Links: Index, AO3
Fanart by laziilemon.

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Three Cheers for Tyranny is a Frerard Mafia AU fic by silentdescant written for Bandom Big Bang 2009. It received over a hundred comments on LiveJournal and 7,000 hits on AO3.

Reactions and Reviews

of all the years i've been in bandom, and fanfiction in general, this is the single most memorable and enjoyable fanfiction i've ever read. the beginning sucked me in. the middle kept me interested. the end left me breathless.

I had to track this down - nearly two years after I read it - so that I could remember just why this fanfiction sticks in my mind, why this piece of writing is always on the tip of my tongue when people ask me what's my favourite piece of fiction.

the last line of this masterful piece of literature still cuts into me like a fresh blade. it's one of the only fics that can still bring me to tears, years after i read it the first time. years after the first time i bawled.


I am so, so pleased to see this finally posted. I'm still seriously in awe of all the research and planning and thought that went into this story, and you're right, I do love this as much as you do. Thank you so much for letting me be your cheerleader and talking me through your thoughts for the ending - in person! Definitely going to spend tomorrow re-reading.


Their relationship was bittersweet and ephemeral -glares-, but incredibly beautiful. I do wonder what's going to happen now to the Family without Frank, though. However, I trust your judgement as an author and honestly, mafia fiction with sweet endings isn't realistic most of the times. People in that business can't live normally nor escape that life no matter how hard they try, and I'm glad you could portray that so beautifully.


I think right now this is my favorite bbb posted as of yet. I am a sucker for mafia fic and it was just perfect. I honestly don't see how it really could have ended any other way. And your writing was captivating and it just pulled me into the story all the way through. Memoried for many future reads for sure.


This fic has been a favorite of mine for so long and I’ve read it more time than I can count (I’m not just saying that. I really do read it every few months and it just keeps getting better.) I’ve always wanted to leave a comment but I never did, so here it is. This story is wonderful! It’s heartwarming and intense and addicting in all the right ways. I especially love how it’s not just a love story. It’s about family obligation (in its most extreme forms but still lol) and friendship and love. It has its mystery flair and really well written characters and well woven universe, which i know from experience how hard to balance and still keep a good flow and well woven plot.


i had read this fic at least four times now and i've just realized i never commented my many feelings about it. firstly, thank you so much for writing. this is a fucking masterpiece. i looooooove the tone and the themes and honestly this fed into my obsession with the italian mafia so much. you put so much though and work and time into this and omg it shows. you're immensely talented, dude. i can't get over how much i love this idk.


So, I finished this whole series last night (not all in one night but you know what I mean) and couldn't bring myself to comment then because I hadn't quite wrapped my mind around it all yet. So, now that I've picked up the pieces of my blown mind, I feel like I should tell you that I am no stranger to fiction and AU's but this is by far one of the best ones that I have read. Keep up the good work man because seriously this was amazing.



  1. ^ Comment on Index (2011)
  2. ^ Comment on Index (2009)
  3. ^ Comment on Part 6 (2009)
  4. ^ Comment on Part 6 (2009)
  5. ^ Comment on Chapter 3
  6. ^ Comment on Chapter 8 (2016)
  7. ^ Comment on Always (2011)