They Really Weren't Suited

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Title: They Really Weren’t Suited
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 28 April 2013
Length: 1350 words
Genre(s): filling in the gaps
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: Archived at AO3

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They Really Weren't Suited[1] is a short story written by fawatson for the rarewomen 2013 fanfic exchange, in fulfilment of a request based on Mary Renault's novel Purposes of Love made by queen_ypolita : “Perhaps you’d like to explore Colonna’s relationship with Valentine, why is she so convinced it’s temporary?”

The story gives a fuller account of their relationship, of the attraction between the two women, why Colonna is not convinced it will last, with a hint of it continuing after she leaves nursing. The story switches perspectives back and forth, starting and ending from Nurse Valentine’s point of view, with Colonna’s viewpoint sandwiched in the middle.

Comments on the story include:

  • Thank you for writing this for me - I'm so glad you picked this prompt![2]—queen_ypolita
