The toaster fic

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Title: the toaster fic
Author(s): starrysence/enbyamaguchi
Date(s): August 12, 2018
Length: 1,339 words
Genre(s): crack
Fandom(s): Newsies
External Links: Tumblr

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the toaster fic is a 2018 Ralbert crack fic by starrysence, also known for Albert Eats Glass.

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im writing a fic for a different fandom with with another of my old newsies buddies and two characters are idiotic and pining for each other and one just called the other to come fix his sink at 4:30am and he looks like a drowned cat and the others gonna show up and have an oh shit moment and unbelievably both of us at the same time were like oH MY GOD ITS LIKE THE TOASTER FIC and spent a long time looking for it. i thought you would find that funny. the toaster fic is iconic


its crack, under 2k, absolute silliness and im still laughing about it five years later.



  1. ^ ask from Saph (2021)
  2. ^ newsies fic recs by Saph (2023)