The XXX-Files: A Personal Fantasy

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You may be looking for the zine XXX FILES: The Frisky Project.

Title: The XXX-Files: A Personal Fantasy
Author(s): Kirsten M. Berry
Date(s): 1994
Length: 15K
Genre(s): RPF
Fandom(s): X-Files RPF
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The XXX-Files: A Personal Fantasy is an early X-Files RPF story by Kirsten M. Berry.

For other examples of similar fic, see Some Examples of Early X-Files RPF.


"A fan's fantasy of meeting her favorite actor."


In September 1998, the author wrote that it was:

... written originally with the intention of submitting it for (don't kill me) Penthouse Magazine's "Celebrity Fantasy" feature...and it's no longer available at Gossamer, per my own request. To quote from my fanfic page:
Over the years since I initially wrote "The XXX-Files," I've received more feedback about it than all three of my other stories combined. Not all of it was good, either. There has been more than a bit of backlash in recent months about actor fic - and I have to admit that I'm beginning to see the point. These people - indeed, anyone who has ever worn the uneasy title of celebrity" - are entitled to privacy, just as you and I are.
"The XXX-Files" was removed from the Gossamer Archives with their July update. I am considering removing it from this page, as well, and leaving it as an exclusive to Bobbi's Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation site. I would be exceedingly grateful to y'all if you would write me and let me know your thoughts on my decision - whether you think I'm overreacting or doing too little, too late.
Getting back to the original question, though.... Am I the only person left who's been here long enough to remember "The Adventures of Chris Carter & Co."? I was without net access for a period in the middle of this round-robin of epic proportions, and in that time it got REALLY weird - but the beginning of it all was hysterical. [1]

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An unexpected story plot was "XXX-Philes: a Personal Fantasy" [sic] by Kirsten Berry from 1994. She wrote it as a kind of Penthouse Celebrity Fantasy wherein she writes a teleplay which is accepted for X-Files so she is invited to observe the taping in Vancouver.

During the taping she finds herself in bed with David. However, she also writes an invitation from Gillian to spend the night as her husband is out of town and as Gillian says "I'm married - not dead." She liked both too much to settle for sex with just one.[2]


  1. ^ fanfic about DD and GA wanted, September 1998
  2. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #14 (August 1996)