The Weaknesses Series

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Title: The Weaknesses Series
Author(s): Viridian5
Date(s): 1998 - 1999
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Weaknesses series (AO3)

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The Weaknesses Series is a Mulder/Krycek series by Viridian5.


  • Weaknesses - R - The Consortium paired Krycek with Mulder as a spy. When Krycek learns something about Mulder he'd rather not know, will he reveal it to his employers?
  • Weaknesses II: Shadows of the Soul - R - Krycek takes vengeance on Bill Mulder for Mulder. Of course Mulder wants to kill him for it.
  • Weaknesses III: The Price We Pay - NC-17 - When Mulder rescues Krycek from the silo, the boys are drawn closer together, and Krycek learns Mulder's most guarded secret.
  • Weaknesses IV: Save Yourself - R - Events fray the trust between Mulder and Krycek further, and Krycek learns that Mulder's head is even more haunted than he realized.
  • Weaknesses V: Their Only Choices - NC-17 - Mulder and Krycek try to make peace with one another.
  • All Alone Together (A Twisted Weaknesses Vignette) - NC-17 - Sometimes we all need a little time alone with ourselves.
  • Withdrawal (An Inevitable Weaknesses Vignette) - R - Fox tries to break free of Senator Matheson.
  • Performance (A Lighter Weaknesses Vignette) - R - If you and a large group of people were held captive in a karaoke bar and told that if you don't sing your captors will start killing the hostages, would you take the plunge or tell everyone to make peace with their Creator? Mulder has to face the music when Krycek volunteers him for the spotlight. Set in the "Weaknesses" universe, but they can't all be angst-o-riffic.
  • Inmates (An Interior Weaknesses Vignette) - PG-13 - In the rubber room, Mulder's selves do damage control and make plans.

Recs and Reviews

Krycek discovers that Mulder's been keeping a very deep secret for a long time. Not always completely convincing, but a neat idea and some beautiful writing.[1]


  1. ^ Worlds Enough. Sylvia's X-Files Slash Recs. (Accessed 04 April 2015)