The Tower of Yesterday

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Title: The Tower of Yesterday
Author(s): manic_intent
Date(s): 01 October 2010
Length: 49,859
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Marvel
External Links: The Tower of Yesterday (AO3)

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The Tower of Yesterday is a Steve/Tony story by manic_intent.

Summary: Tony is the WWII hero waking up in the future. Iron Man Noir.

Recs and Reviews

Lovely AU that reverses Tony's and Steve's places; Tony is the adventurer from Iron Man Noir, frozen in ice for several decades and kept alive by an ancient Norse artefact. Steve is the only surviving recipient of the serum (in the modern day) and is Captain America, both US soldier and SHIELD asset. I love their interaction and the development of their relationship and everyone's characterisations - especially aged Pepper's, and near the end Jennifer Rhodes (grand-daughter of the original Jim Rhodes) makes an awesome appearance - so much, even though a certain someone being Baron Zemo shocked and saddened me (did NOT see that coming!) and it's so WEIRD to not have Stane be a villain. Great merging of several canons. There's also a lot of fabulous stuff featuring the Don't Ask Don't Tell law and civil rights and a tense and well-written plot. Awesome fic.[1]


  1. ^ SavioBriion. AO3 Rec, 03 July 2012. (Accessed 05 July 2012)