The Stone Gryphon

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Title: The Stone Gryphon
Author(s): rthstewart
Date(s): March 22, 2009 - September 15, 2022
Length: 604k+ words, ongoing
Fandom(s): Chronicles of Narnia
External Links: AO3 series

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The Stone Gryphon is an extensive Chronicles of Narnia series by rthstewart. The first work has over 21,000 hits on AO3 and 400 reviews on

Reactions and Reviews

I have read and re-read many of your works several times. I have obsessed over your stories, and turned parts of them about in my head for days. I have savoured them, and revelled in their complexity. I have returned to my favourite parts more than once, and if my progress has been slow, then it is because I haven't wanted to proceed too quickly for fear of running out of things to read. I have lived inside your world, and yet I have never paused to say thank you, and so I feel the need to begin this letter with an apology. Prior to your author's note, I didn't know enough about the Narnia fandom to know that your works were an outlier, or that support was necessary. I like to think that, had I known, I would have said something before now. But, all the same, I should have commented sooner, and I'm sorry I'm only saying something now, so very late.


I first read through your amazing stories probably two or three years ago. Since then, I have re-read stories and scenes from them as the inclination strikes me. One scene that I continue to come back to regularly is that of Peter and Asim's first meeting. It is an amazing scene, and stands out even among the brilliance that is the rest of your work. It is a breathtaking introduction and establishment of Asim's character and of your interpretation of Peter, High King and Warrior. While there is much more I could say, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your work and that it sticks in my mind.


I just finished reading chapter 3, I would like to thank you for your historically accurate representation of scientists~ As an anthropologist, I very much appreciated how you recognized the rhetoric of the day, and the paradigm shift that was just starting in the discipline from the handmaiden of imperialism to an increasingly objective standpoint. I was also a huge fan on how you handled the ethical debate around female circumcision. There is so much variation in opinion, even within a group that supports a cause, such as the anti-colonialism movement, and this was a great study in that. I love your work and I am so excited to finish reading this fic!


God, this has been a delightful read -- and I am intending to read the rest but I felt I had to comment. This is incredibly compelling and a good deal of what I'd always yearned for in a Narnia fic. I love the balance of science and religion (a philosophy that was instilled in me at a young age), Ed and Lucy's perspectives, and Peter choking up over the casual use of his old epithet.


Oh man, I remember reading all of this on, a few years ago when I wasn't so educated nor so good at leaving reviews. It was a pleasure to reopen such a thoroughly beautiful and well-researched universe that was so mindful and tolerant of several issues. I must admit, to me, Peter never did much. I always thought he was the boring sibling, but rereading The Stone Gryphon brought him back to life for me, and gave him a lot of depth which I had never really considered interesting. I really admired how you addressed Peter's internal struggle of expectations upon himself, and how he really does still have so much to learn inside of England, instead of being completely fine with the transition.


What a brilliant work of art! I am blown away by the beautiful writing, fascinating historical details, and thoughtful exploration of how their experiences in Narnia impacted the Pevensies and other Friends. I adore your original characters as well as their outsider povs and their differing reactions to Peter and his Presence. Your Narnia OCs break my heart because they are each such vivid personalities and I cry to think of them lost to the Pevensies and how devastating it was for them to live a lifetime and be torn away. This feels so realistic. For all my love of canon it doesn't deal with that tragedy. I love how you describe Peter's struggles with the weight of Expectations as well as his own sense of responsibility. This is such an incredible fic. Intimate and character driven but with the full epic sweep of Narnia and the background of a world at war. I'd give a million kudos if I could.


I read this many years ago when it was still unfinished, then unfortunately lost the link. I am so so glad I have found your writing again, and with so much more added on too!! I can't express how much I love what you have done with have done wonders with a beloved children's story, now with so much depth and world building I can appreciate as an adult reader. Thank you so much for writing in this fandom, it's brilliant and one of the best fanfics ever.


I always feel like I should leave a longer comment for a longer story, but I can tell from the start that I'm not going to be able to give you the feedback you deserve. I'm not sure I'm capable of articulating how much I love the richness of this story, the pacing, the thoughtfulness. It feels like a throwback story; it doesn't feel like any other piece of fanfiction I've read. Both fanfic and original fiction are trending towards a faster, emotionally driven style, and while I like that style it can get rather stale when it's all there is. Your writing is cerebral but not plodding. You discuss subjects without becoming didactic or preachy. All of your characters are thoughtful without being passive or indecisive. The action happens quickly but the aftermath unfolds more slowly. That's a really fine line to tread, and I am enjoying it immensely. Unfortunately, a lot of readers may find it intimidating, both in length and in style. I hope you understand that your readership might not be broad, but the people who do take the time to read this and think it over will find it sticks with them longer than the average piece of fanfic. I know I'm going to be reading it again as soon as I can.


The writing is excellent, and the OC's fun without being show stealing, but dear mod the author is shilling her own views hard. I mean, if you agree with her views great, but it'd kinda anvilicious at times. Also, a bit of british chauvinism that gets my american dander up on occasion.

Chloe Sullivan[9]

I love this fic so much. rthstewart has done a huge amount of Narnia worldbuilding which shows through in all her stories; someone upthread recced The Stone Gryphon series as a whole, which tells the stories of the Pevensies in England as they all struggle with the problem of how to navigate the work you feel you're called to do when you're in wartime England and the world still thinks you're a child. (It also, eventually, brilliantly handles The Problem of Susan in a way that finally makes sense.) Of all the parts in the series - and they're all great - The Queen Susan in Tashbaan is my favourite for the plot, the intrigue, and most of all for Susan herself.


In conclusion, Peter is a boring Mary Sue. The reader gets tired of hearing how he is continually congratulated for bieng Wise and Strong and Not-Racist because anyone who had his experiences would be. The OC characters were slightly more fleshed out and I would prefer more focus on them if they hadn't spent so much time talking about how amazing Peter is. The Stone Gryphon series gets progressively worse. The second book is written entirely in the author's code and I did not care enough about the story to work it out. The third has more pontificating, this time including Peter's entire Mary-Sue family.



  1. ^ Comment on Part 1, Chapter 1 (2013)
  2. ^ Comment on Part 1, Chapter 2 (2020)
  3. ^ Comment on Part 1, Chapter 3 (2015)
  4. ^ Comment on Part 1, Chapter 6 (2020)
  5. ^ Comment on Part 1, Chapter 16 (2015)
  6. ^ Comment on Part 1, Chapter 16 (2021)
  7. ^ Comment on Part 2, Chapter 24 (2016)
  8. ^ Comment on Part 2, Chapter 4 (2011)
  9. ^ Reply to The Best Damn Fics You've Ever Read. on Sufficient Velocity (2017)
  10. ^ Reply to Recommended Fanfiction at (2020)
  11. ^ A Truly Tedious Fanfic review at TVTropes (2012)