The Slave Pits of Ursa Minor

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Title: The Slave Pits of Ursa Minor
Author(s): xBryn Lantry
Date(s): 1986
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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The Slave Pits of Ursa Minor is a Blake's 7 story by xBryn Lantry.

It was published in The Other Side #2.

Reactions and Reviews

The Slave Pits of Ursa Minor (Se/Tr) -- xBryn Lantry: A splendidly dark and twisted story with an unusual view of an unusual relationship. As in _Amber Ambiguities_, xBryn characterises Travis fairly sympathetically and makes him far from the cardboard villain of some fanfic. xBryn's lovely full-page nude Travis is the perfect accompaniment: bringing out all the unexpected _beau laid_ grace that her story's Servalan sees in him.[1]

Ain’t nothing wrong with this one, although there’s a random amusing series of typos in which the name Coser has been printed instead of Carnell and somebody’s had to cross out and write over it. The writing’s fine, it’s a credible depiction of Servalan/Travis and how it might work on a sexual level, but I prefer my fic more dialogue based.[2]
