The Sex Tape

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Title: The Sex Tape
Author(s): Sheisme
Date(s): Published February 18, 2017 – March 26, 2018[1]
Deleted August 2018
Length: 75k words; 17 chapters
Genre(s): modern AU, celebrity AU, femslash
Fandom(s): The 100
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The Sex Tape by Sheisme is a Clexa fanfiction that was originally hosted on Archive of Our Own. It is a modern AU and was published in 17 chapters from February 18, 2017 to March 26, 2018.[1] The fic was deleted from AO3 in August 2018 so that it could be republished as an original novel after filing off the serial numbers.[2] In the commercial version, titled Stunted, Clarke and Lexa's names were changed to Elliot Chase and Jessie Knight respectively.[3]

The original summary from AO3:[4]

Professional stunt woman Lexa Woods loves her job and takes it very seriously. She has a very strict no-dating policy when it comes to people she works with. When she meets famous actress Clarke Griffin on the set of their new action film, sparks fly and Clarke might just be able to change her mind. However, after one passionate night between the two of them, a sex tape is leaked that sends their lives into a spiral. Will the fallout be too much for them? Or will they be able to find their way out of the chaos together?

Prior to being deleted, the fic had in excess of 600 comments, 5.5k kudos, 400 bookmarks, and 75k hits.[4]

Reactions and Reviews

Of the original fic:

Hey peeps! This is one of my favorite fics! Extremely well developed chemistry between Lexa and Clarke, some nice angst, well written sin (don't look at me like that 😏) and Lexa on a motorcycle (probably should have led with that one). Check it out and then buy the book when it gets published![5]

Of the published novel:

[3 stars]

Jessie Knight is a professional stuntwoman working in the film business. She enjoys her dangerous job but prefers not to get involved with anyone in the industry, specially actresses. But when she meets famous actress Elliot Chase she decides to make an exception. After a steamy night together, a sex tape is leaked causing havoc in both women's personal and professional lives. Will they be able to overcome their difficulties and stay together?

This is a hot romance with a bit of action and celebrity scandal on the side. Written in third person from the point of view of both leads, the main characters are well written and their chemistry is spot-on, though it is close to insta-attraction. The intimate scenes are well done and steamy. However, most of the secondary characters are a bit stereotyped and lack the depth of the mains.

The dialogues are natural sounding and engaging but the balance between show and tell is a bit off. The plot gives a good insight into the movie making business and celebrity life though a few parts of the story will try the reader's suspension of disbelief. However, if the reader isn't too demanding about authenticity, it's a good story for fans of celebrity romances and scandal.

Overall, an ok read with a bit of action and celebrity scandal on the side. 3.5 stars.[6]

[4 stars]

I really enjoyed this read. The two MCs were very likable amd at times corney sweet. The pace of the book was good for the most part. I did feel once the sex tape issue was solved it sort of became long as nothing really eye popping or interesting happened. There was potential in Boulder but that was short lived. I was happy that the sex tape issue didnt lead Elliot and Jessie down the obvious path and I was a bit dissapointed whe those responsible were handled behind the scene. Regardless, I am glad I purchased and read this book. If youve got the funds, this one is a pretty good one to spend it on. A solid 4* in my book[7]

[5 stars]

For lack of a more articulate phrasing: I enjoyed the CRAP out of this book! I loved both of the main characters and their attraction to each other was written so well. I basically fell in love with Jessie. True girlfriend material. I also enjoyed the minor characters (their friends and co-stars). They added some levity to an otherwise traumatic situation. The sex scenes were well done (and hot!) but not too gratuitous. It was just the right amount of steam.
I didn't want the book to end![8]



  1. ^ a b Tumblr post by sheis-me. March 26, 2018. Archived version.
  2. ^ Announcement about "The Sex Tape", Tumblr post by sheis-me. August 13, 2018. Archived version.
  3. ^ Stunted By Breanna Hughes on Triplicity Publishing. Archived version.
  4. ^ a b The Sex Tape on AO3 via the Wayback Machine. Captured August 17, 2018.
  5. ^ Tumblr post by randomgirlusername. August 13, 2018. Archived version.
  6. ^ Review by Gaby LezReviewBooks on Goodreads. March 14, 2019. Archived version.
  7. ^ Review by CLo on Goodreads. August 26, 2018. Archived version.
  8. ^ Review by Charlee Deleon on Goodreads. August 30, 2018. Archived version.