The Seventh Wave

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Title: The Seventh Wave
Author(s): Destina Fortunato
Date(s): December 1999 or before - 27 March 2004
Length: 97,337 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
External Links: The Seventh Wave (Worlds Without Boundaries)
The Seventh Wave (AO3)

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The Seventh Wave is a Star Wars TPM slash story by Destina Fortunato with Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and other pairings.

Summary: This Alternate Universe Novel takes place at the same time as The Phantom Menace, but in a world where the Jedi have already been destroyed, and the Sith rule. An ancient prohibition against creating more than two Sith Lords has been completely disregarded. In this universe, there are pleasure slaves, seraglios (harems) and violence, as well as power and control issues, and vastly different characters than you might be used to. Please consider this your warning. This novel contains O/Other, Q/Other and Q/O/Other scenarios. It also contains angst, drama, and first-time themes.


Chapter One: Empire of the Senses - In a universe where the Sith have come to power, a ruler and a warrior meet, and find themselves drawn together.

Chapter Two: Bound By the Invisible - The Regent finds himself drawn to his prisoner, and sets about conquering him.

Chapter Three: Symbols of Fear - Qui-Gon begins his lessons in the giving of pleasure, Obi-Wan makes choices regarding his favorite slave and the boy who will one day rule Taganor, and there is a revelation about Qui-Gon's past.

Chapter Four: Center of Fury -- Qui-Gon has an encounter with someone from his past, and the heir is in danger. Many emotions are revealed.

Chapter Five: Powers Seen and Unseen -- Obi-Wan is given a gift from an unexpected source. The political situation becomes more complicated. Qui-Gon's anger grows.

Chapter Six: Shadows and Reflections -- Valorum searches for information. Qui-Gon is taught, and descends deeper into his confusion and darkness. Includes new art by BlackRose

Chapter Seven: Elements of Desire -- Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan reach a point of inevitability; another point of view gives new perspective.

Chapter Eight: Chaos Descending -- Obi-Wan follows his heart. The Sith arrive.

Chapter Nine: Edge of Darkness -- The Sith Lord reveals his true agenda. Obi-Wan turns away from the light.

Chapter Ten: The Dark Tide -- Enemies emerge. A compromise is reached between Jinn and Kenobi.

Chapter Eleven: Breaking Point - The Sith Lord and Kenobi have a confrontation; the Regent's favorite slave becomes a pawn for another, and the time comes for action.

Chapter Twelve: Chrysalis - All paths lead to darkness for the Regent, who must make a fateful decision and carry it through. Obi-Wan's past is revealed.

Chapter Thirteen: Eclipse - Anakin must make a choice. Sorrow comes as the group attempts to leave the planet. The balance of power shifts in many different ways.

Chapter Fourteen - The parameters of the relationships begin to change as the group leaves Taganor and new bonds are formed.

Chapter Fifteen - The struggle to adapt, to accept, and to move forward begins in earnest. Prophecies are examined.

Chapter Sixteen - Allies are sought and truces are reached.

Chapter Seventeen - New allies join the fight. Prophecies are interpreted. The enemy comes closer.

Recs and Reviews

A WIP that takes place in an AU where the Jedi are no more and the Sith rule. In a world where conspiracies for political powers reign, nothing is as it seems. Can't say much for a work that's still in progress, but I'm enjoying it so far. It's also refreshing to see a *submissive* Xanatos. Qui/Obi and Obi/Xanatos.
"He had trapped himself, made himself a prisoner by his own actions. Now he would have to decide if this man's life was more important than his freedom, and what he would do if the answer to that question went against everything he believed. And how he could remain a Jedi, if the Force had bound his heart to a Sith."[1]

– joy daydreams

This is a WiP that looks like it will never be finished but leaves off at a point where you don't feel too cheated. It's a really interesting take on the pleasure slave kink (and hey, who am I to say no to slavefic?) and a great piece.[2]

isolabela at homology_cubed


  1. ^ "chiaroscuro v6". 2005-03-31. Archived from the original on 2013-06-20.
  2. ^ "TPM - Fanfiction Recs for All — LiveJournal". 2006-12-30. Archived from the original on 2022-04-15.