The Road Series (X-Files fanfiction)

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Title: The Road Series
Author(s): Dr. Ruthless & Frankie
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Road Series (The Clinic)

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The Road Series is a two part Mulder/Krycek series by Dr. Ruthless (part 1 & 2) and Frankie (part 1).

  • Road to Nowheresville - Out in the desert people change, and once in a while, changes are forced upon one. Rated: NC-17
  • Many a Mile - When the alien invasion finally takes place, only one person can halt it, and he wants to make his peace before it's too late. Rated: NC-17

Recs and Reviews

Mulder and Krycek during their partnership again. We see glimpses of the leather boy Alex is in this one though. Tee hee! Anyway, the first story starts off with Alex and Mulder having their car break down in the desert. Mulder goes off walking to try and get help while Alex waits by the car. Several hours pass and Mulder isn't back yet, Alex starts to really worry. Once he finds Mulder again he begins to realize that he had every reason to worry. It seems that Mulder was attacked by some men who picked him up while he was hitchhiking trying to get help. I don't think he gets raped, which is why you don't see a warning for mention of that, though there is some trauma involved. In the aftermath of that M/K start up a relationship and develop a little plan to get some revenge against Mulder's attackers.

The next story is penned just by Dr. Ruthless. This story picks up years down the line when an invasion is taking place. Alex rescues Fox and tries to regain what he lost with him. Keeps him with him in the hopes that they can try to work things out. It's Alex's last chance at this, he has an idea of how to stop the aliens that will probably cost him his life. So he wants just one more moment with Fox before he goes out in a blaze of glory. Just once chance to feel that love again, to know Fox loves him so he can carry that with him when he goes. Both are pretty good stories that I really like. Even though I'm suddenly seeing a connection between Many a Mile (the second story) and Sound and Fury. Must have been a theme Dr. Ruthless liked alot.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 29 March 2015)