The Rhipodon Society

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: The Rhipodon Society
Author: The Rhipodon Society
Dates: 2000 - 2003
Fandom: Queer As Folk, Homicide, Sentinel, Pretender, X-Files, Nero Wolfe, U.N.C.L.E, Batman, Buffy
URL: Rhipodon Society Den of Filthy Stories (Archive Link)
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The Rhipodon Society is a website for a group of authors that had been writing slash fanfiction for a while but didn't dare to publish their stories. Cesare then decided to make a website to post thems anonymously and uncredited, as the authors wanted. All stories are signed by The Rhipodon Society. The site also includes a list of series and why are they "slashtastic" and some filk written by Gayleen Froese. It went on hiatus on March 2003 and has been like that ever since.

Example Works