The Other Matter

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Title: The Other Matter
Author(s): Survivah
Date(s): August 8, 2020
Length: 15,046 words
Genre(s): Slash, Get Together (trope),
Fandom(s): The Old Guard
External Links: AO3

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The Other Matter by Survivah is a The Old Guard Joe/Nicky fic, focused on their history and the development of their relationship over their early years together. It is often considered a "must read" for fans of the pairing.


He wants Yusuf to hold his hand again. Grab his ankle. Flick his ear. Thrust his sword into his chest and breath into his mouth.

Yet, they have the long ocean of eternity ahead of them. These whims are nothing but a swell under their ship: gone as soon as they come. Nicolo knows better than to jump overboard and drown alone trying to chase them.


Alternate title: "You'd Feel Pretty Weird If You Developed a Crush on the Only Other Immortal You Know, Right?"

Reactions and Reviews

As The Old Guard began to fill my dash, I became more and more intrigued and eager to see if Joe&Nicky were as advertised but it took me some time to find the time to watch the movie. Well, I can say that they are just as advertised and the movie was so, so awesome and I am so excited for a sequel! And if that wasn’t enough then we have this story. So very good. I mean, just wow. I love all of the little character-building details. I love Nicky’s voice and how in love he is even before he notices. And Joe, dear god, he is a treasure and a blessing. I really can’t say enough about this one. Do yourself a favor and read it.[1]

some p graphic violence bc its the old guard but. this is very,,,,soft, v tender in the heart region, joe is Good and nicky Loves Him and i am In Tears[2]

Sometimes I lie awake at night staring at the ceiling thinking about this fic. If you like your Joe/Nicky get-together stories with a tall glass of pining/idiots to lovers, run don’t walk.[3]

A beautiful coming-together of two people, filled with pain and joy and humor and confusion and aching and love.[4]

This is probably the ultimate Joe/Nicky fic, following them throughout history, it features a lot of delicious pining and some angst. I don't know if there are any fanworks for this fic, but it seems like the one that is always recced for fans of this pairing.[5]

This is a story about friendship, love and misunderstandings. Yusuf and Nicolo’s partnership evolves quite a lot in this story and it’s really amazing! I love the author’s characterization for Yusuf; he’s depicted as outgoing, frank and quite sweet. This story is full of poetic comparisons and the characters are very well written.[6]

So emotional, very raw. Love it.[7]

Ahhhaha, Nicky is so dumb, and I love this way that the two of them fall in love. The writing is so good, belief is suspended over exactly how without a clue these two idiots can be – and worth it.[8]
