The Oedipal Complex

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Title: The Oedipal Complex
Author(s): SciNut (Karen D. Enriquez)
Date(s): 31 Aug 1994
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: archived here

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The Oedipal Complex" is an X-Files story by SciNut (Karen D. Enriquez).

It was posted to in August 1994.

This story is on a List of Very Early X-Files Fanfiction.

Author's Notes

O'Tay... this is my first story that I am posting. I hope you like it. But, before you begin reading this, a (what I will call) warning. This isn't a character driven story. I wrote this in kind of a rush and just wanted to get the basic plot down. I feel it came out pretty well without too much characterization. I know more can be done with this and would like your thoughts and critiques. There are some references to government agencies. I don't know if the ones I used actually do what I say they do, but I'm the author and have artistic license so they do. Also, there are a few graphic descriptions of dead bodies. If you're squeamish, well I warned you. If not, then let her rip. :)
