The Middle of Nowhere

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Title: The Middle of Nowhere
Author(s): Merry Lynne
Date(s): 2003?
Length: 9373 words (The Middle of Nowhere + sequel)
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Smallville
External Links: The Middle of Nowhere, The Road Home
(any road)
The Middle of Nowhere | The Road Home (AO3)

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The Middle of Nowhere is a Clark/Lex story by Merry Lynne. It has a sequel, The Road Home.

Summary The Middle of Nowhere: In which Clark lies to his mother, Lex lies to himself, and absolutely no waffles appear at any time. Clark/Lex. G.

Summary The Road Home: In which Lex learns a little more about Clark and friendship and auto repair, and Clark learns a little more about, well, sex. Sequel to The Middle of Nowhere. Clark/Lex. R.

Recs and Reviews

The Middle of Nowhere by Merry Lynne - Oh, all right. One sweet story. With lots of funny/snarky dialogue. And it's sort of pre-slash. It's good, okay? Yeah, I know. You want sex. So, like, there's a sequel, The Road Home, in which there's sex, okay?? Sheesh. Whatever.[1]

The Middle of Nowhere and The Road Home by Merry Lynne--A funny story involving mutant cows and Oreos. It's a lot funny, a little angsty, and pretty hot. I highly recommend both of them.[2]
