The Kryptonite Series

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Title: The Kryptonite Series
Author(s): Reggie
Date(s): 2000s?
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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The Kryptonite Series is a slash Starsky/Hutch story by Reggie.


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They say the past can come back to haunt you and that's the set-up. The boys had a weekend that they can't remember and they're about to find out a little more about what took place. They were photographed in compromising positions that have to do with their deepest secrets. First up is Hutch and his addiction. Okay, this is bad, but they can handle it. But then comes Starsky's past, live and in living color. The one thing that nobody knew, not even Hutch, is exploited. At the end of the first story, they whys aren't completely eliminated, but the who is. The next story picks up 6 months down the road. The past will not stay buried, but maybe it's not supposed to. What Hutch knows about Starsky now cannot be taken back and it's a good way for them to move forward. The past, the present, the future. It's all coming, crashing together. It's up to them to survive it all.[1]


  1. ^ a 2005 comment at Crack Van