The Kindest Mortals

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Title: The Kindest Mortals
Author(s): Kat Allison
Date(s): 2004 or before
Length: 46kb
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Highlander
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The Kindest Mortals is a Highlander Duncan/Methos story by Kat Allison.

Reactions and Reviews

I'm not a really big fan of stories that don't end happily - but Kat Allison's stories are so well-written, so evocative, that I find myself coming back to them again and again, despite their innate bleakness. And that's why they're highly recommended here: the writing, the writing, the writing. I love this story for its brilliant characterisation of Joe Dawson, and psychologically it's very satisfying. It's well-written - that really should go without saying! - and not as dark as most of Kat Allison's stories tend to be.[1]
