The Killing Type

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Title: The Killing Type
Author(s): protagonist_m
Date(s): 2015-11-03
Length: 130453
Genre(s): slash RPF
Fandom(s): One Direction
External Links: AO3 (Wayback Machine link)

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The Killing Type is a popular One Direction fanfic posted on AO3 in 2015. The main pairing is Ziam.

Author's summary: Zayn is a doctoral student who goes to great lengths to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Liam is heading the biggest serial murder investigation London has seen in half a century. And before this, he'd never been sent a love note via corpse.

Fan Reactions

The fanfic was very popular among Ziam fans, with people posting on Tumblr their theories about what was going to happen and who was the killer of the story as it was being posted. The author recieved numerous asks on their Tumblr blog about the fic, and even to this day the Tumblr tag for it is filled with people's reactions of reading it for the first time.

Pull to Publish?

In 2021 a note was added:

Big changes are coming to TKT in the form of physical and Kindle publication. In light of this, I'm removing this story from the Archive in March of 2021. I will never be able to express the depth of my gratitude to you all for your enthusiasm and interest. This really was for you, and it still is.[1]

The work appears to have been taken down at some point after May 2021.


  1. ^ AO3 work, Archived version, accessed 29 May 2021.