The I-Lab of Doctor Moro

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Title: The I-Lab of Doctor Moro
Author(s): Willa Shakespeare
Date(s): 2000
Length: 22,000 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: The I-Lab of Doctor Moro at AO3

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The I-Lab of Doctor Moro is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Willa Shakespeare.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #6.

Reactions and Reviews

B7 meets _The Island of Dr. Moreau_ (in reverse), as Blake and Avon are held captive by an insane scientist who enjoys turning people into animals. This one's a weird mixture of humor (bits of it are *extremely* funny), horror (there's a fairly nasty rape scene, for example), sex (of course), character-based drama, and just plain weirdness. It shouldn't work, but it *does*, and I enjoyed it a lot.[1]

So - this one is lots of fun. I don't know Dr Moreau at all, but I've wikied it and it seems like while there are similarities to the original source text, this fic is not as chained to that original plot as some of Willa's other fusions. Although I love those other ones too, I think moving away from the plot was a good idea here. It allows the, let's call it, 'romance' plot to develop and to develop surprisingly (I'm surprised by the end - and pleased. I like it a lot). There is a really graphic and horrible rape scene that I'm not entirely sure needed to be in the fic, but it's supposed to be horrible and the consequences are dealt with. All the B/A stuff is lovely, and it's surprisingly strongly and engagingly characterised given that Avon spends most of the story thinking he's a cat.[2]


  1. ^ a review by Belatrix Carter at Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site, Archived version
  2. ^ aralias reviewed this zine in November 2013 on Dreamwidth; WebCite