The Hearthfire

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You may be looking for Hearthfires, a Mercedes Lackey zine.

Title: The Hearthfire
Author(s): Helen Wills
Date(s): September 1997
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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The Hearthfire is a MSR story by Helen Wills.

Story Header

SUMMARY: A conversation in the night, following a certain traumatic case ....

DISCLAIMER: "The X Files" and all the characters etc. associated with it are the property of 20th Century Fox and 1013 Productions. In other words, they don't belong to me. Mr. Carter, I apologise for any liberties taken with Mulder and Scully, but I have this over-active imagination which won't give me any peace. I'm not making any money out of this, so please don't sue me - if you did, all you'd get would be a rather battered TV and word-processor.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: All you other fanfic writers. I haven't had a dull moment since I jumped on the Internet, thanks to you all! (I'd name names, but the story would never get written.)

NOTES: A friend of mine recently complained that I write too much conversation into my stories. Well I'm sorry, Joanne, but I happen to enjoy writing conversation! I *like* getting inside the characters' heads. So you definitely won't like this one. (She also complained that she didn't like MSR, but that's fast becoming a lost cause too.)

Just for the record, this is *nothing* to do with "The Wolf Never Sleeps" - that one occurs pre-Season 3. I haven't abandoned the "Wolf" timestream, but I'm taking a break from it for a while - after all, I spent a year on the original "Wolf" story! This story is just a little something which occurred to me when I should have been doing something else.

Feedback is, as always, very much appreciated and all will be answered.

Reactions and Reviews

Mulder and Scully try and work through the events of Feild Where I Died. The author wonders if this is really an msr...i would say that love comes in many different forms, and that sometimes we need to have platonic love to move us the answer..yes, no, sort of, read it either way..its a good peice, and while your at it, send the author your take as to why it is or isnt a msr. [1]
