The Handler

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Title: The Handler
Author(s): cthulhu_is_chaotic_good
Date(s): 16 December 2020 - 26 December 2020
Length: 19,050 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Alex Rider
External Links: The Handler (AO3)

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The Handler is an Alex Rider story by cthulhu_is_chaotic_good.


Although Yassen had never worked as an agent for an intelligence service, he had general expectations. His expectations included that such agencies generally provided their undercover operatives with handlers to help them out of situations that had gone wrong. The reality that rapidly became clear to Yassen was that MI6 had not seen fit to provide Alex with that assistance. As Yassen was beginning to tell himself constantly, he wasn’t the boy’s caretaker. At the same time, if MI6 wasn’t keeping Alex alive, who else would?

Recs and Reviews

Once again a very fun cthulhu fic with great twists and a slightly kinder Yassen. Their mind is genius, genius I tell you! General audiences, complete. Post-canon.[1]

A Few Bulbs Short of a Tanning Bed

Like any big character in the fandom, Yassen Gregorovich has been taken in many directions. Each author seems to have their own “version” of him and Cthulhu has one of the best honed over years of writing fantastic multi chapter stories involving him. Her Yassen is sharp and dynamic across the many different circumstances he finds himself in under her pen. But for all that he changes, he keep his very practical and lethal edge which is a rare treat that goes far in upping the stakes and tension in her fics.

Cthulhu is most well known for Bad Cards, a multi chapter Outsider POV look into Alex and Yassen’s relationship in the field through the lens of a failed mission. But you would be doing yourself a disservice if you stopped there. She has multiple fics that explore their relationship in new and exciting ways - The Handler takes a look at Yassen’s less than impressed views on Alex and the many handlers MI6 gives him, Under Siege gives Alex’s perspective on just how much larger the intelligence world is using painfully real details with a lovely little twist.[2]

Alex Rider Fanfic Recs
