The Hand Series

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Title: The Hand Series
Author(s): Barb G
Date(s): 18 April 1998 - 18 May 1998
Length: 255K
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: The Hand Series (AO3)

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The Hand Series is a Duncan/Methos slash series by Barb G. The series is rated R to NC-17, depending on the part of the series.

Summary: Twisting little story where Methos "makes" Duncan seduce him.

1: Forcing the Hand (46 K)
2: Giving the Hand Away (32 K)
3: Biting the Hand That Feeds (37 K)
4: The Claws That Catch (35 K)
5: The Jaws That Bite (38 K)
6: Vorpal Sword in Hand (35 K)
7: Epilogue: Surviving the Jabberwocky (32 K)

Recs and Reviews

Plain Old Rape (if there is such a thing...) HL: Intricate and cruel story with a rape scene in part five: The Hand Series by Barb G.[1]
