The Game (Star Trek: TOS story by Jesmihr)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: The Game
Author(s): Jesmihr
Date(s): 2004
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: online here, Side by Side Collection on AO3

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The Game is a K/S story by Jesmihr which was published in the e-zine Side by Side #12.

Reactions and Reviews

A short fic in which the crew play a game which starts off hilariously funny and abruptly shifts to the angsty and bittersweet.[1]

Jesmihr is a delightful writer. Her stories are by turns funny, serious, action-packed, mysterious and poignant. For such a short piece, this one sure packs a wallop.

Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty are passing time at a bar, and the entertainment of the evening is a very revealing game: which one of the four friends knows each other the best? Once a person is selected, the other three try to come up with something he would never say. Then the selected person tries to top them. The gentle teasing that follows does prove these men do indeed know each other well. The tenor of the game changes abruptly when it‘s Spock‘s turn. Kirk is so sweetly concerned about Spock‘s feelings. His entry in the Spock category is that he would never hear Spock say he refused to give him his all. With that revelation, Spock ends the game. Later, outside the captain‘s quarters, Kirk rather wistfully wonders what Spock would have given as his answer as to what he never would say.

And that‘s all I‘m going to give away. Read this little gem, and find out why the last line knocked my socks off. [2]

Kirk, Spock, Scotty and McCoy kill time in a bar. Short and sweet with just a touch of pre-slash K/S UST. [3]

Around a table one night, Jim, Scotty, Spock and McCoy are playing a game: come up with the one sentence they think each of the others would never say. Starts as pure fun, then suddenly turns more serious and introspective toward the end, to great effect. No kissing or touching but the last line just about kills me every time. Just make your mom read this after one of the very emotionally-charged friendship stories and she’ll be willing to buy it. [4]

Around a table one night, Jim, Scotty, Spock and McCoy are playing a game: try to come up with the one sentence they think each of the others would never say. Starts as pure fun, then suddenly turns more serious and introspective toward the end, to great effect. Shows amazing character insight and will make you hoot and awwww and want to hug Spock very tight. Last line just about skewered me. [5]
