The Fall and Rise of The Black Parade

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Title: The Fall and Rise of The Black Parade
Author(s): wordslinging (jezrana)
Date(s): June 14, 2008
Length: 52838 words
Genre(s): slash, deathfic, Black Parade AU
Fandom(s): My Chemical Romance
External Links: The Fall and Rise of The Black Parade, Archived version (wordslinging LJ masterpost); The Fall and Rise of The Black Parade, Archived version (bandombigbang LJ masterpost); AO3
Cover art by clayeer.

Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

The Fall and Rise of The Black Parade by wordslinging is the most well-known Black Parade AU fic. It was written for the first Bandom Big Bang. The pairings are Frank/Gerard and Ray/Mikey.

The story is a no-band AU in which most of the members of MCR do not meet until after they die and are sent to a city in Purgatory that looks like the setting of the music video "Welcome to the Black Parade". Destiny comes into play, and together they form a band called The Black Parade in preparation to meet the Cancer Patient who will lead everyone out of Purgatory to Heaven.

The title of the fic is a reference to an earlier title of the MCR album: "The Rise and Fall of My Chemical Romance". All of the songs on the album are referenced in some way in the story, and many of them are used as the backstory for how each member died.

The fic includes warnings for character death, violent death, cancer, depression, discussion of drug use, and suicide.

Related Fanworks

Complement works for the big bang challenge:

  • cover art by clayeer
  • "Our Broken City," a fanmix by sweetnovicane
