The Day After

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Title: The Day After
Author(s): Mildred Manhill
Date(s): January 1994
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The Day After by Mildred Manhill is a K/S story.

It was published in the print zine No Greater Love.


From the publisher: "After their run-in with the Romulans, Kirk goes to Spockʼs cabin to ascertain the Vulcanʼs mood over Stileʼs prejudice."

Reactions and Reviews

"The Day After" by Mildred Manhill is a fourteen page story taking place after the first Romulan encounter. I enjoyed this story for several reasons, the main one being a refreshing tinge of reality. Kirk actually hurts after experiencing anal penetration for the first time- This is something many writers ignore. I really liked it when McCoy says: "You know, Spock...everybody--and I mean everybody-has a problem the first time. Even I did, and I'm a doctor."

I liked Angela being a strong woman, capable of bearing her grief. I think it's good to flesh out minor characters somewhat.

I do feel, however, that Kirk and Spock jump into bed too quickly and establish a permanent bond too soon. Somehow the action needs to be slowed down, but I have no constructive suggestions to give other than the not too helpful one of making the story longer.

There is nothing wrong with the ending of the story. I do wonder, though, if perhaps the beginning could have been tied in? Perhaps Bones could make some sort of a reflection about Angela, somehow juxtapose the happiness of the new lovers with the sadness of the "older" lover left alone. However, this might deflate the "feel good" tone of the story so perhaps it was considered and decided against.

Basically this is a pleasant first time K/S story. It's not terribly original (but then neither was Shakespeare). It's not off the wall weird with skewed characterizations. These are our familiar guys that we all know and love in our special fandom K/S universe. [1]

There are a lot of things I don't buy in this first-time, post "Balance of Terror" story. The one that bothered me most was Kirk's stepping into Spock's quarters and immediately fainting. Come on! Kirk would not swoon like a Victorian spinster for any reason, and the reason given here, that the temperature is high, just doesn't hold water, Heat prostration (I think that's caused by dehydration, isn't it?) would not take place instantaneously, and we've seen Kirk stay awake in far hotter surroundings on Vulcan itself, for example.

Another problem was how quickly events moved. A hug turns into a kiss, and Spock says they're moving too fast, then several paragraphs later, proposes marriage. Huh?

Nor do I believe the scenes with McCoy in which K&S easily tell intimate details to the good doctor.

But there are some nice, original moments. My favorite: Spock wishes he knew how to comfort Kirk in the human fashion, but since he doesn't, he will have to use the Vulcan way -- a hug (which is supposed to be administered without emotion). [2]

The story begins right after the episode in which the Romulans attacked the Enterprise, the almost-married crewman Tomlinson was killed and Lieutenant Stiles expressed his bigotry.

Kirk goes to Spock's cabin, almost faints from fatigue and the interior heat and immediately they proclaim their love as Spock tells Kirk about the "Warrior Bond."

When Kirk leaves, he muses about his past sexual life. He remembers his encounters and thinks on how he enjoys anal sex, but never to him. I really liked the following concept: "After all, men had partnered together throughout known history, in nearly every humanoid civilization they'd ever encountered."

There were a few weird descriptions like: "fur-ringed nipples", "their overheated sexes", "joint mixture", and "rosy bulk". But, without much ado, they get down to business. Spock picks Kirk up and carries him to the bathroom and places him on the toilet, then "turned his back to allow him a measure of privacy." Oh.

Another interesting line: "After dancing on that big pole of yours last night, I don't think I want to sit down for at least a week/ Then Kirk has to go to McCoy in sickbay to get some minor sgroery in "that" area.

I really must question the ease with which Kirk and Spock (especially Spock) would actually discuss with McCoy the finer points of anal intercourse as routine as if they were talking about a chess game or what they had for dinner. Okay, okay, McCoy's a physician, but really: "Congratulations! Now I understand why your butt is sore."

I did, however, quite appreciate the sex scene, Not bad at all, with neat lines like; "I want.... I need to see your face/ Kirk whispered." And: "Spock...T'hy'la. I am yours forever and always...Forever and always, came the silent response. Never parted...Yes, Jim, yes. Beyond all time, and into eternity." [3]


  1. ^ from Come Together #3
  2. ^ from Come Together #6
  3. ^ from Come Together #5