The Common Fate of All Things Rare

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Title: The Common Fate of All Things Rare
Author(s): Aloysia Virgata and Scarlet Baldy
Length: 46,000+ words
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Common Fate of All Things Rare

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The Common Fate of All Things Rare is an X-Files story by Aloysia Virgata and Scarlet Baldy.


"Synopsis: Ever wonder what happened between the silence of Never Again and the flowers from Memento Mori? Ever wonder if Scully’s night with Ed Jerse affected her relationship with Mulder in any way? Ever wonder what pushed Scully to go to the hospital and find out about her cancer in the first place? Ever wonder how her illness might have affected her work or if she ever thought about Leonard Betts’ words? Well, we did…" [1]

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

I think just about EVERYONE has already read this one. Its a casefile set in Baltimore about a killer who keeps cutting out women's hearts. It takes place right before Memento Mori, Scully doesn't yet know she has cancer, but is having all the symptoms (the extreme headaches and nosebleeds). Its a really well-written casefile (which is rare - I'm really pick about casefile fics), and has possibly the coolest and funniest original character ever - Detective Wickham, which I REALLY hope one of these writers uses in a future fic! [2]


Things we love in a fic: A great casefile, a great /Other in the form of an original character, /Other that may or may not resolve into MSR, UST that may or may not resolve into RST, and a missing scene that deals with the aftermath of the Jerse case in a way that delves into all the underlying issues that should have been dealt with before Scully decided to mess around with someone else. How can all of that possibly be covered in one fic, you may ask?

Well, Philes, we have a treat for you. Not only did someone give us all of the above, those someones happen to be some of the best fic writers around. And boy howdy do we love today’s rec. It should be somewhere in the vicinity of your top fics ever read, and if it’s not, we have a feeling it will be after today.

Enjoy today’s casefile, loves! [3]
