The Chronicles of the Virgin Asahi

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Title: The Chronicles of the Virgin Asahi
Author(s): Ellessey
Date(s): November 19 2016 - February 2 2017
Length: 88k+ words
Genre(s): College AU
Fandom(s): Haikyuu
External Links: on AO3

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The Chronicles of the Virgin Asahi by Ellessey is an AsaNoya Haikyuu fanfic by Ellessey.


'“Doing okay?” Suga asks. “You make plans with that guy? You still haven't told me his name.”

“Noya,” Asahi tells him. “Nishinoya Yuu.”

Suga smiles and Asahi knows he picked up on everything that was in his voice as those syllables moved softly over his tongue. “Cute name,” he says. “Maybe worth falling for, huh?”

Asahi doesn't miss the double meaning in his friend’s words, and he doesn't say no.'


Asahi wants the earth to swallow him whole when he accidentally crashes into tiny Nishinoya Yuu while riding his bike. He remains unsure of his stance on disappearing off the face of the planet after Noya asks him out on a date. But with the (somewhat aggressive) encouragement of his best friends/roommates, Asahi takes one small step forward, and soon finds himself doing a lot less hiding and a lot more living than he ever thought he could.


As of April 2019 the work has over 4,300 2,200 kudos and over 500 bookmarks on AO3.

Reviews & Recs

This fic kind of swooped onto the scene a couple months ago and I’m astonished at the rate that it updated. It was a fun ride to watch the meet-cute premise develop into a full blown twoo wuv relationship. [1]

Back from me AsaNoya days when I read everything I could *le tear*. This fic is the cutest, a little bit slow burn-y but very much nsfw in later chapters so beware my dears. Basically an anxious little Asahi who lives with his shameless friends Suga and Daichi and all is good and right until he crashes into a smol boy on his bike. Only smol boy is Nishinoya. Wow. Mainly AsaNoya, background DaiSuga.[2]

thoughts: I already knew by the fourth chapter that there was no way I couldn’t rec this. The friendship dynamic between Asahi, Daichi, and Suga is absolutely beautiful. The relationship with Noya is extremely well done and their development is perfect. The fic is definitely one of those fics you wish would just never end so you can watch them be cute forever. [3]

😭😭😭 I just read like one of the happiest, cutest, most (partially) relatable fics ever!


It's the latest on my ao3's bookmarks (marked rec).

The Chronicles of the Virgin Asahi

So good! I legit cannot do anything but think about it and sigh joyfully.[4]

An all time favorite/regular reread of mine is @ellessey_'s "The Chronicles of the Virgin Asahi" which is just the sweetest get-together and wholesome comfort fic![5]

I will never forget my sleepless night when I discovered "the chronicles of the virgin asahi"[6]

Inspired Fanworks



  1. ^ 2017-02-11
  2. ^ Apirl 20, 2018 Tumblr post
  3. ^ "Feb 8, 2017 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2022-12-18.
  4. ^ "Sept 29, 2020 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2022-12-18.
  5. ^ "Sept 17, 2022 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2022-12-18.
  6. ^ "Feb 5, 2021 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2022-12-18.